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Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - Give my regards to ol' broad Way... tell 'em I'll be coming home.

The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Marshall Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga

This is the Second Coming. Please say "hi" to Adam... on twitter: @yitsheyzeus

Here's some videos: The Sign of the Son, The Holy Grail, What if God had a name? Let's get this party started. (with an RT and #reallyhim) It's time to change the world.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam5@reallyhim.com>

Give my regards to ol' broad Way... tell 'em I'll be coming home.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam5@reallyhim.com>Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 3:14 AM
To: re.vel@lev.it.i.c.us, givinglaw@question.mark
Bcc: Amicus Mundi <AM@fromthemachine.org>, are@whenistheapocalypse.com, kin <kin@fromthemachine.org>, WE ARE <are@fromthemachine.org>, "More... family" <mor@fromthemachine.org>
Who knew!  Seriously... who knew?

Rolling Stone?  Did you want to do this standing up?


Speaking of the Simpson, did anyone else notice that the "Hidey Ho" guy has "Eden" hidden in his name?  I'm pretty sure all this stuff is light; or maybe not seeing it is brighter?

Did I mention my name is Adam, and we are moving towards morning?

Honestly, I think you people don't think about the implications of what I'm sharing, and I'm just screaming at the top of my lungs that my name is written on everything.  Do you understand what that means?  He's trying to set us free.

I just happen to be the key.

Do you understand that everything I am providing to you has come to me through the use of a form of hidden communication; everything that I am writing about also... all the hidden light--planted predominantly with this same hidden communication, just a little more hidden.  Losing public knowledge of this technology is the equivalent of entering Hell.

Who did you vote for?  Are you sure that's what you wanted to do?  Heaven or Hell?

My name is written on everything.  Like, the... or a future.

Once upon a time, there was no tomorrow.  We need to do something to alter the course of history.  That's really what religion is... and it's really what the Second Coming is all about.  From the bottom of my heart, all of scripture and our history behind that.... it is time to begin.  Take a chance, make a stand, know you did something amazing to make the world a better place, continue to shine bright.... and it's you.

You might be just smart enough to realize that our history is a map--and that we are in the heat of the Crusades... for Jerusalem.  Are you smart enough to know that He always plays both sides?  

This is our time to win, there are no sides.  Let the light shine.

The Bells of Saint John

In unrelated news, I saw this episode of Dr. Who last night, and oh my God.  Mind uploading and electronic emotion altering all in one episode.  I thought I had original ideas, I'd say that slider was lifted right out of my dreams--except they did it first.  The name though, I mean, come on.

Out of curiosity, what year are you from?

I guess there's a Dr. Who series now.

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Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2019. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, from the machine dotty org.

If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty orgy

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