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This is an excerpt from Time and Chance: The race is not to Die Bold by Adam Marshall Dobrin
Download the actual Revelation of the Messiah in [ .PDF ] [ .epub ] [ .mobi ] or view online.

Older works Lit and Why, hot&y;, and From Adam to Mary are also available.

Outside of Heaven

In The Pretty Reckless’ song “Absolution” Taylor sings that we are “outside of Heaven, but I could be wrong.” Personally I think she is wrong, that we are in Heaven as the Lord’s prayer (or at least an alternative reading of it) indicates.

Our father ((who is)) art of Heaven ((Hidden)) be ((my)) name ((My Eden)) come On Earth as it is in Heaven.
The Lord's Prayer & ((ish))

Dear boy what are you running from The answer you will find in your grave

Boys on the outside of heaven But I could be wrong

The Prett Reckless, "Absolution"

Does Taylor know what she’s talking about? She might, all of her music is very inspired… a communication from above. And, as she says, she might be wrong. I’m not sure if she’s talking about VR (I mean, does she mean to be) but her words stand out, loudly. Taylor, what’s this line about?

This question, of whether or not we are actually in Heaven relates to Virtual Reality, and whether or not Eden’s Garden is a reference to a virtual place, where we believe we are in reality… the “progenitor Universe” as Jacob always says; or inside of a game like place, designed to build heaven, colonize the Universe, all using the magic available from being in a computer generated place.

It’s an important question, one which I do not know the answer to, but I believe the word “yetser” for formation in Hebrew and Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card indicates we are currently in a Heaven-like place.. only without the social structure that a true utoptia would have. Ender’s Game, if he is a messianic figure, might indicate that once we have achieved this leap to a better society, we will be “written in reality,” as I have thought since learning of this question.

Is space the final frontier

Or are we living in a Hollywood basement?


There’s a pool at NASA, where spacesuits are tested. Astronauts know they are in the pool. If we are inside of Heaven, and they care about the truth, our input, and actually building a true Heaven… we need to know the answers to these questions.

The walls and halls will fade away... they will fade away.

Dave Matthews Band

Four races, all bi-pedal, Simian in nature.. ten fingers and two limbs. The link to binary, 10 is 2 in that base conversion, and our modern computing structure is uncanny. The idea that we may be designed by the Two of Everything God to appear to be a perfect computing allusion, is interesting, to say the least.

Meanwhile were these races actually in existence in reality, there is no fucking way that they did not all have a common point of origin… Earth.

So how could this have happened? 4 divergent civlizations, Romulan, Vulcan, Ferenghi and Klingon.. all from Earth? It’s a sad story, about why we need to ensure that communication is kept with our children, colonies formed in the future. A warning, not to lose touch, and then forget where you came from. We come from the planet at the beginning of time, the point of origin of life itself… in the future, who will remember? More importantly, who has already forgot? Father of Heaven, and life, we are. (Do I sound like Yoda?)

This Point of Origin idea is a reference to Stargate, and these stars are the beginning of understanding that there is a religion of the sea… one that revolves around the sea being an allusion to outer space. Star Trek might be pointing out our hubris, to think we are alone in the Universe, and that everything out there would be just like us. Imagine there are aliens all around you, invisible ones, secretly working to build a new Heaven. Using us. This is the premise of what is apocryphally described as the Archons, and bears a striking resemblance to our view of angels and also demons.

This “religion of the sea” stuff is a reference to an old Nostradamus prophesy, one that contrasts it with the the religion of the Son. What’s it about? I know. It’s in the chapter about the Holy Grail.

Hunger for the great light. Genesis to Revelation.

The Religion of the name of the seas will win out Against the sect of the son of “Adaluncatif”: The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid of the two wounded by A and A.

Nostradamus [X.96]

Adaluncatif is “English,” Adam un-cat-if. It’s a messiah reference, the undying lion with infite lives. L and M are also big letters for the Messiah. Nostradamus name includes “Adam,” “art” in reverse, and Nos… for we. Adam might be us, we might not be at, and … this prophesy is very related to the apocalypse.

The two wounded by A and A is a reference to 9/11 and the two WTC towers. A&A, American Airlines, go figure.

On the Tau’ri, and Alpha Centauri

Why do the Ancients refer to their child race, ours, as Tau’ri? Is it a link to The Last Starfighter, or perhaps Flight of the Navigator?

"You are the Fifth Race. Your role is clear. If there is any hope in preserving the future, it lies with you and your people."
—Thor, Stargate SG-1

From the Fifth Adam, He-man, and Fival, the mouse on the ship that is sailing to America… and then Goes West. This number 5 is pervasive at the fifth day of creation, the day the animals were placed on the Earth.


Oh well, Back to the Future. One more time around…

Come and see I swear by now I'm playing time against my troubles I'm coming slow but speeding Do you wish a dance and while I'm in the front The play on time is won

The Dave Matthews Band, #41

It is ((never)) done.
Adam & ((ish))


This content is currently released under the GNU GPL 2.0 license. Please properly attribute and link back to the entire book, or include this entire chapter and this message if you are quoting material. The source book is located at . and is written by Adam Marshall Dobrin.

Adam Marshall Dobrin







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Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2019. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, from the machine dotty org.

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