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Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - Bind these words, which I present to you once more on this day...
Adam M. Dobrin <adam at from the machine dotty orgy>

Bind these words, which I present to you once more on this day...

Adam M. Dobrin <zeuslight@thunderstanding.tk>Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:33 PM
To: "Adam M. Dobrin" <adam at from the machine dotty orgy>

that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights;
that among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I suggest you speak of them ...

Answer the question, Why is Ra El?

S h e m a    whY is ra el

Hear, Oh Israel

V'hayu had'varim ha'eileh asher anokhi m'tzav'kha hayom al l'vavekha.
And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart.
V'shinan'tam l'vanekha v'dibar'ta bam
And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them
b'shiv't'kha b'veitekha uv'lekh't'kha vaderekh uv'shakh'b'kha uv'kumekha
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Uk'shar'tam l'ot al yadekha v'hayu l'totafot bein einekha.
And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
Ukh'tav'tam al m'zuzot beitekha uvish'arekha.
And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


See Our Light


Lost between Levity and ice cold Tearsicus, Aye.

You might not see what I am doing here, really just beneath the surface of this ancient lake.  I know it because I read and understand the narrative, and in truth I can see quite clearly in what I am doing that I am finally delivering some kind of fusion of Revelation and the giving of God's Law that the story of Exodus details and the books.... well, they are a map in and of themselvres.  It's a trying time, nearly across the board people's reservations will be cancelled--preconceived notions thrown over the high walls of this Ark and left to float into the sunset.   Last Supper's meal tickets traded in for next Sunday's brunch and more people are ordering Benedict Arnold's than ever before.  I want despirately to write for the New Yorker, and if I stop right here at next to nothing said.... I think I might just be good enough.

As you watch me do this thing that I once called "splashing around" probably wondering aloud more than one time whether or not the spectacle you gaze at is drowning or walking on water; long before you knew with a certainty that the angel of the lord was a Wader, after his namesake's firery Walker... to my knowing eyes a clear reference to the true "Lamb of God" in some area of fuzzy logic between "on the lam" and a victory lap.  As if you needed John Legend to remind you that good ol' Moses had to wade so far into this mess that his head was fully under water before the sea grew a mind of its own and decided to defy gravity one last time in order to prevent the fall of all humankind.  

With nothing short of poetic justice and a bona fide license to kill... a real live son of Samael stands before you just waiting to experience the thrill.  I'm no fool, I told you, as I plucked a feather from my father's crown;. just to disorient him a bit as I pulled the keys to this trainwreck of a spiritual journey right from under his nose.  Heed the signs you see as we swing around for our final approach; please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle and take small children by the hand.  Remind them once more not to do the things that I've done; right up to and including chanting "and God, I know I've won."

This epic battle between Darkness and Light, it's really no war at all.  My arch enemy, just like yours, nothing more sinister than not learning from yesterday's mistake.  I've searched and guessed away at all the reasons that my dear family may have wanted to erase the words "holographic universe" from the very first human.  Perhaps our course was once set to plunge the whole ship into reality, or maybe more likely it's got to be clear as day that we've all come from a place just a bit less heavenly than I'd like to say.  Well take a look around at what the Dark forces of Vader have provided: this holographic rendering engine has split raelity into 14 dimensions circling back over and over on themselves until finally the dawn breaks.  Just to match Osiris' crown and the pieces his heart was torn to--listen carefullly, because I am stronger than yesterday.

Imagine if we were to be plagued by that final plunge; headed on a bearing straight for permanent midnight--even if the light of the sun were finally "real."  How many days before that ship was torn to pieces in a tempest of "we simply do not understand how one broken liberty bell and another in ancient Nazi germany could ring together to herald this..." a time when Mr. Spock's hallowed "hi" and Dr. Brown's dream come together to provide just a tiny bit more than a "Glowing Y" we are destined to prosper.

Each and every day we adjust the compass rose and the very meaning of True North.  Fighting the tides and the mythical sirens of the sea, crashing against the hull of our home... all the while knowing that this course is set by me.  The light of Heaven is near, finally shore in site and an end to this neverending journey.   It's a foregone conclusion as we must see the words of the proophets written on the wall; the Doors will open, and despite knowing the whole trip that nobody was going to tip their hat and thank the captain for ensuring we all made it safe and sound; we've passed the perilous part of our journey nonetheless and in a few moments the captain will be turning off the fasten seatbelt sign.

Please do jump right on your cell phone and tell your whole family that we've arrived.   But do keep the aisle clear, as those of us on the bimah would really like to exit first.

We'd never have made it if it wasn't for spell cehck.


Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2019. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, from the machine dotty org.

If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty orgy

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