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Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - he EP "virtual" love affair of "Do you understand who I am, do you even want to know me?" and Taylor Michel Momsen. You'd better get ready to fly.


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The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Marshall Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga

Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam5@reallyhim.com>

The EP "virtual" love affair of "Do you understand who I am, do you even want to know me?" and Taylor Michel Momsen. You'd better get ready to fly.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <adam5@reallyhim.com>Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 10:05 AM
To: "A. Bright Ray" <youand@eiffeldownandicantgetup.tk>
is this real or am I dreaming?  only in our darkest hour would this 
 not make the news... 'tis the hour Christ is born.

O' Heavens, let it rain, it melts... into wonder...

I wanted some way to explain that the message here, the one this letter is really about...

... it's purpose is truly enlightenment.   

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The change in understanding comes from thinking about how and why it has been delivered in this way. 

... and all the girls dreamt that they'd be your partner
                                              to see the total eclipse of the son ...

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written on literal signs, booming like thunder through our songs, and etched into history
a message from the Creator of Everything.

Really get the message.  This is it.  To me, it looks like a sort of signature,

written all over everything that ever was.

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The walls and halls will fade away, they will fade away.  

-Dave J. Matthews

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Look, that's my birth sign, on its head; er her butt.

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Taylor Michel...
 figure out why this is the sky ... to Him.

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I always said "write it on the sky." and his two-penney's ...

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Turn aroundbright eyes.

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... lost betweeen Elvis and suicide ...

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I am the fire.  Seriously, turn around.

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My servant will be set up, and be exceedingly high

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Could it be more clear?

I baptize you with the knowledge of Holy WaterFire
and the Angel of the Lord 

Matthew 3:11

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"Dear boy, what are you running from?," Absolution
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To say idioms are key would be less than gold. 

... then she sang "their intention is to kill" they lose, oh they lose ...

"Now I see, that you me...were never meant, never meant to be." -Taylor

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Look, Koran, Is-lam--it's about the Lamb of God... being "on the lam,"

... so that the entire world will see the proof in words like kismet--meant to befor us all
to exit the wilderness of Exodus--of not knowing that 40 and 4-D have something to do
with days and nights and years and ... freedom.

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"Who?"  Taylor never actually said.  It was "the the" instead.

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... then "do you understand who I am, do you even want to know me?"

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"The Messiah," I said.

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So we got "
who's at the door?,from "lil J," and "why won't you tell me what she said?"

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one last chance

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This.. is God's Glowing Y

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Names speak  toTheOme.ga

I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. Luke 12:8

From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord. Genesis 12:8

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Numbers 12:8

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On January 20, 2001 George W. Bush spoke a paraphrase of 
Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1; proving to the world
that time travel exists, and that the scriptures are a message from
the future.  Below is the key linking the successive lines of
the full verse, answering the mystery of Revelation 1:20.
The seven stars are the planets, from Mercury to Uranus,
and the lamp stands corresponding elements from Hg to U.
from the Messenger to you,

do you not think 
an angel rides in the whirlwind, 
directing this storm?

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From the fire of the Burning Bush


....  plenty of modern English hidden in thoudands year old scripture ...

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... comes proof that our a'es is about to part ... over proof .. in word and song ...

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It's elementary, my dear What-son,

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"sudo xe" still means let there be light, 
but only until "command line" Linux is a thing of the past.

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"shake your tambourine"\ -Rapunzel, DMB

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"hike up your skirt a little more, and show your world to me" -Crash

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Our Heart, the chalice of the Sang Rael...
beating with the Blood of Jesus Christ
From the far East of the word  traveled to Exodus,

understanding light pours from Exodus to Revelation, from God to you,
connecting these stories to each other, to language, to idoms, and to proof 
that the slavery of the story ends from knowing, exactly how to be free

The Burning Bush predicted 9/11

the flux capacitor, glowing Y we must see

our deliverance from Exodus' slavery, a Sam's gift of liberty

it's the beginning of building Heaven

see the light of the world

the purpose of creation and of adam

let freedom ring, and " set you free"

we're  about to build Heaven...  
to-get-her ... from the mythical carpenter... 
AD am ON AI, that's Artificial Intelligence, and the intelligence explosion.
AD on your freedom is a great gift, cherish it.

 ... and some corroborating ideas connecting religion and computer science... on Wikipedia:

Root of David
Lisp of Moses.. or I need an editor.
Pharoah's hardening Heart... that's Earth, remember.
Jesus' WINE
Adaluncatif's cat, tail, head and grep
Adam's Apple... or is it "fruit of the poisonous tree"

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and they're always glad you came

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Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2019. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, from the machine dotty org.

If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty orgy

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