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layout: post title: Kismet? Kiss me Taylor? date: '2017-06-08T21:31:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-10-14T05:30:35.743-07:00' thumbnail: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y0VEia63u0I/WYuBOd1ZTUI/AAAAAAAAEvw/xIEbXYb-PIcsls98o9TvUXIRldEzZvAuACK4BGAYYCw/s72-c/k-709400.jpg blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8758503587102933296.post-1801798098351812687 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/06/kismet-kiss-me-taylor.html
From "you're never gonna dance with me" and "never meant, never meant to be" to kismet
As a preface, like many of the messages I've sent.... I wrote this one several times (really, several) and I still don't think I've gotten it just right. Through thousands of years, and music; a sort of "love affair" has been written into our history. It links the words "Kiss me Taylor" to the Hebrew for fate... Kismet, and a song she sang called "Nothing Left to Lose" where she says "now I see that you and me, were never meant to be." It goes much further, and ties in to music that's loved by generations, from The Doors to Gene Simmons' Kiss and shows me that not only are the words of these songs important, but that the names of the bands... and even the singers are tied directly about this message proving we live in a "simulated reality" and how "doors to Heaven" are a hallowed and well-"sung" solution. Hey, morning has broken.
I joke that Taylor Momsen has never mentioned me on my Twitter profile, but the truth is that a great many of her songs are actually about me, and it's not me just being "vain." It's the Hammer of Thor, thunderstanding that this symphony that connects the story of Nero and the "Fiddler on the Roof" to rattling a rod about mind control technology; about proving it exists and that it has a clear influence not only over music, but over our entire history. Harnessing this knowledge and technology for the betterment of our world is a key focus of the Spockalypse; and when it all comes down to it whether or not this technology and its influence is hidden is the primal drive behind this battle over hiding Jesus Christ from the world. When you take a step back, and you see the proof is in every single name and every word and many songs... it really drives home the point ... that we are in Exodus, and this is about slavery. Be free, let freedom ring; and say my name, when people are around you.... say baby.... I thank you.
Taylor herself probably doesn't know everything that her songs mean--that's the heart of this Revelation... a sort of "doublespeak" that pervades everything from Orwell's name and the content of 1984 to these hidden messages in songs from Carly Simon and more... about seeing "Sim," Silicon, and the Biblical next Monday... as a primal focus of all of Creation, of all history... and it's really all about building Heaven. Still it's clear that "shake your tambourine" in Dave Matthews' "Rapunzel" are about her and her music video "It's a f'ed up world." Just like it's clear that her words "for the ways that I hurt when I'm hiking up my skirt" are a response to "Crash." What's less clear is how the story of The Golden Ass relates, and how "Glome" connects, and how I now that the story of Anat is also about her.... just the beginning of seeing that what is happening right now has been woven into our past, into the myths of nearly every culture; all so we do not lose the truth, here, today... so that we do not lose ourselves to this secret.
Taylor herself probably doesn't know everything that her songs mean--that's the heart of this Revelation... a sort of "doublespeak" that pervades everything from Orwell's name and the content of 1984 to these hidden messages in songs from Carly Simon and more... about seeing "Sim," Silicon, and the Biblical next Monday... as a primal focus of all of Creation, of all history... and it's really all about building Heaven. Still it's clear that "shake your tambourine" in Dave Matthews' "Rapunzel" are about her and her music video "It's a f'ed up world." Just like it's clear that her words "for the ways that I hurt when I'm hiking up my skirt" are a response to "Crash." What's less clear is how the story of The Golden Ass relates, and how "Glome" connects, and how I now that the story of Anat is also about her.... just the beginning of seeing that what is happening right now has been woven into our past, into the myths of nearly every culture; all so we do not lose the truth, here, today... so that we do not lose ourselves to this secret.
Her roll in the "story of Creation" probably becomes a little bit more clear, as we see her star in Dr. Seuss's "the Grinch that Steals Christmas" more than a decade before she became Little J and Taylor-You rather than Cindy-Who? I can tell you first hand that experiencing the kind of "enlightenment" that proves that much of your life is designed can be... heart stopping--for a moment... and that we are here on the precipice of seeing that our lives are a sort of microcosm for the history of humanity--being awakened to seeing that much of what we know and learned has been guided with a light from above. I think it's time the light said hello, don't you?
There is a reason I exist, a reason I was created; and that reason is you.... to set you free; to see us thrive and flourish. It is to deliver the truth, and this is .... this is just the beginning.
The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Marshall Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga
Fwd: The EP "virtual" love affair of "Do you understand who I am, do you even want to know me?" and Taylor Michel Momsen. You'd better get ready to fly. |