I am accepting charitable donations,.
I am a blinking, flashing square... I am, I so am.
What am I?
say it ain't so, I will not go...
turn the lights out; carry me home
BARK. I can't tell you how long we've been wandering in this desert; long enough for Gates to have lost it's impact and meaning, long enough for the Greek letters Chi and Rho to fail to be a shining light between the city of Cairo and ancient beta and production versions of Windows XP. Long enough to see the connections between U.S. military codenames and computer companies religious themes as nothing more than a "FAD" (f-art? of possibly the least religious slices of our society) and still not to see the link between NORAD and Anno Domini. Row to production, to Kissimmee, St. McCloud; we've got to move forward from this place of feigned or real shock--of inability to discuss the obvious... for no reason other than it's so obvious we should have seen it. Row to a place where you care that this light was intentionally laid down so that you could find a link between computing and religion that meant more than just a few letters; that meant that Karl Marx was all wrong and backwards about this thing being the "opiate of the masses."
Keep swimming until you see Huxley and XP and Kissimmee and Judas and Midas and Gene Simmons and his band all intersect around the Hebrew word for fate, Kismet; and really see these things are all linked together by what might be nothing more than me--nothing more than Jesus Christ (and a clue).
Do you have to know that "da" is a very special kind of "the" in Adamic code; and that I've been looking for the missing "s" in "kismet" for quite some time? Probably, you probablty do. Once you do you'll probably see it in Leviticus, and if you know boys at all you'll probably eventually "get" why it's a little upsetting to hear God say "J, I see you da S." The point is you will never really understand what the true meaning of religion is unless you grasp these concepts and this language; you'll never be able to read God's plan, and we'll never be able to get to the road to Heaven. Without seeing "NES" in Minnesota and Tennessee and in the heart of the book of Genesis, you'll never get why Silicon is the Fifth Element--and how "AMD" really is a weapon against darkness.
This is "light" shining on you, and for you; and sometimes even by you--but until we start reacting to it; until it starts to open eyes and let us begin to understand just how dark this place is, there's no light here in this place--not you, and not the words that I write to try and show you that there's an intentional message being delivered through Windows Me and 9/14; in every word you read and write, every thought that you think; there's a message that you have been overlooking, and it simply will not continue. Brad Wright's Travelers began a season one Episode with a preacher standing on a dock, at shore; connecting "the number 40" in the story of Noah's Ark to the years wandering in the desert of Exodus, all the way to the book of Matthew, where Jesus exited the wilderness (another word for desert) in just 40 days. If "days and nights" and years weren't enough to connect 40 to the fourth dimension, to time travel; if seeing it on Netflix in living color; and hearing me bark about it over and over isn't enough to make it news--to make this clear proof of anachronism in every word--in every language... if it isn't enough to make it news than I don't think you exist, I think you are manekins. This is light shining on you, to help you see that something this obvious cannot remain hidden; something this important cannot be "secret," until you have Biblical scholars talking about the connection between the number 40 and time travel, you have none of any worth--your analysis of religion is as broken as your analysis of censorship--and your society has crumbled, all because you fail to speak your mind.
The help and a ssistance you get from me, and from Travelers and from Back to the Future and Terminator; they are only worth something if you see the light, and understand that this place is designed to help us see something hidden, and to use it to make a better world. In seconds you can see how and why this story of Exodus ties to 9/11; and to terrorism; and to a significant amount of writing about "pre-crime" and how that too ties to Phillip K. Dick and what appears to be a world that believes at this point in time that it's OK for the Minority not only to be drowned out in silence, to have the entire planet muzzled, kept from speaking about a message from Creation, that is Creation; about using this knowledge to make a better world. That's what you have, a message filled with light and wisdom about how to use "virtual reality" to make a better place, to bring us all of Heaven on Earth; and instead of doing anything at all; you've become a conspiracy of silence... a mass of foolishness standing in pews as all of the tools and protections we've made against 1984 and totalitarian Hell are compromised and reduced to rubble.
Mannikin, maiden, maenad, man,
In the might of Pan
In the might of Pan
You have a world of fake Biblical scholars ignoring literal golden treasure all around them; reporters doing the same, and you are not far behind. This is not a joke, this is the end of civilization if you cannot wake up and see how stupid you all look.
You have a very clear message that links names like Bush and Stewart and Minhaj to ideas like revolutionizing democracy and the way we deal with barbaric social problems like homelessness; one that uses religion, all religions; to bring us to a place where we see a clear lit road of "minimums" and "maximums" connecting works of religious art like the Jefferson Airplane and Starship Enterprise, the Egyptian God Min and the the English one named "James Clerk Maxwell;" and still having it pointed out you have nothing to say other than "it looks crazy." You look crazy, it looks like the way passed the wall and passed hell ... all the way to "hey." Den, to see a message connecting the name "Denver" to the idea of loving people as much as dogs--to see that this too is woven light; a message to you, one that you will acknowledge. It is not OK that 96,000 people want to petition Virginia to protect dogs from virtual cold weather; and not a single one of you can even publicly discuss the fact that there's a message about virtual cold weather--everywhere you look. It's not OK. This microcosm of the message, one that puts "Denver" on the same fiery pedestal that American stands on is the difference between success and failure, between salvation and Hell--we cannot refuse to see it, and we cannot refuse to see it is the pinnacle of social achievement in this place that stands as a shining beacon--both of the good things we've done and of the problems we need to fix.
If you don't "see" the message, understand that we are being fucked into oblivion because you refuse to. Verily, see that "to see" is really obvious now ... just like the "den" in Roddenberry, and the "rod" in Rodney King and "IT" in Stephen King--this horror show is "IT" she really it. Is there any why, NEY?
If you don't "see" the message, understand that we are being fucked into oblivion because you refuse to. Verily, see that "to see" is really obvious now ... just like the "den" in Roddenberry, and the "rod" in Rodney King and "IT" in Stephen King--this horror show is "IT" she really it. Is there any why, NEY?
I am not going to sit here and let you ignore a message connecting the word "hearing" to the name of the county I was born in and it's public defender: Broward and Help Me Howard hear me; hiding this "message" behind "crazy" is the gate to Hell--ignoring religion and failing to see my life etched into the map of our world is a path to absolutely nowhere. These are not outliers, this is the city of Sunrise, and proof of a hidden siege on our society and our goodness that will end with the end of all "wardens" and with them an end to terrorism and to rape and murder; an end to censorship, and if you can't see that this story is the beginning of Heaven you need to take another look in the mirror.
I never claimed to be a great writer, only that the things I've seen--and the things that I can prove will change the world. The fact that these observations have yet to make a significant impact in the visible world tells me that it was never the place that I perceived--the land of the free and the brave has been compromised in secret, and it's been that way--looking now at the words I use, since the beginning.
I never claimed to be a great writer, only that the things I've seen--and the things that I can prove will change the world. The fact that these observations have yet to make a significant impact in the visible world tells me that it was never the place that I perceived--the land of the free and the brave has been compromised in secret, and it's been that way--looking now at the words I use, since the beginning.
I've haphazardly combined two emails for you; and added a little bit of commentary; I can't continue to do this without seeing a response--it appears that my attempts to be "louder" are resulting in nothing more than an eye sore; and I'm sore, I'm fighting in person a mass of foolishness too large to ever exist, watching this influence affect far too many people that I see online and in person, and I cannot believe how stupid, conniving, and self-destructive our world has become. It's not OK that I am screaming in the dark; it's not OK. These messages are woven here for you to see and act on; they are guidance and help--and refusing to acknowledge that there's a message is the end of it--the end of the message you are failing to see you are more than a "part of."
The point and purpose of the "cursor" writing to you is to help us walk through this maze of torture in miraculous, record time--to exit the desert in a single lifetime--in a few short years rather than what appears to be not just "forever" but multiple "forevers" layered upon each other in a story of time recursion that fails to see how inhumane it is to return to this time over and over again--to fail to see that exiting the maze and the desert comes from succeeding and moving forward--rather than reliving this hellish story ... even "one more time." Your "cursor" is telling you that Twitter and reddit are far from useless--they are the heart of a weapon that makes you believe "the people have a voice" and are the single places where you can see very clearly that you not only have no voice--you have a weapon of glowing apathy to prove that. What was once "social news" is now a fiery message that you have no society, and that what we once cherished here has been replaced with a steaming mass of immovable telepathy and invisible strings that belong in the incinerator.
I'm not sure how many people you think it takes to "care about free speech" to be "allowed" to speak--it appears you've all voted on darkness and silence, and I am showing you it takes only one person, only one vote, only one action to change the world.
Turning this world around, changing the de facto ending of this story is the key to moving all of Creation--to re-igniting the fire of love and compassion that begins here, in this place; because we have it still; and seems to end just as soon as we are gone. You cannot look the other way and wait for older powers to intervene, you are the last, best hope that we have. This message is not here to give me a pedestal to scream at you from; it is here to give you back your freedom to speak, and to think; to help you see that involvement in this "treasure hunt" is the cornerstone of truly building Heaven--and for that to happen you must act.
Once again I find myself with little time to write what is probably a very important message; worse than that encased in a prison marked by the words "I owe P" (if you don't know, IOP is what outpatient rehab is called nowadays) and paralleled probably nowhere better than in Napoleon's Elba Island--this place where it certainly does appear that I am unable to break the shackles of idiocy that have kept us from openly discussing this story. Do see "able" backwards, for a reason. It's difficult to convey how oddly ominous it is sitting in this position, knowing I've all the tickets to the lottery and the world has unanimously and secretly decided there will be no more "find Jesus drawings" -- even though we've held them every generation for thousands of years. I have a significant amount to write about the Trinity Site; about connections between the movie and the theme of "The Day After Tomorrow" and the idea that we certainly should see a sort of ultimatum from God etched into our history and our story--one that in this specific instance you could see marked by the idea of stopping the theme of madness associated with global thermonuclear war, and flying bowel movements--but really just below that surface "ha nuke all humanity" is a demand that we move forward talking about the nature of reality, about the purpose of creation, and the prospect for a future. A future that depends on the truth, on open eyes, and on compassion for the human condition.
A few days ago I followed up my "see you" in the word "site" in this place where I know very well that the Fishbowl detonations were a sort of (perhaps rational?) response to the stories of my witnesses; of John Nash and James Jesus Angleton as they disclosed first hand the influence of a heavenly army, of the hosts of Heaven acting in this place to create distension and divide over what appears to be nothing more than "red ties" on the surface--but in light of day something much closer to the kind of false flag "divide and conquer" that we might link to 9/11 or more appropriately Joseph McCarthy's red scare. These two men saw first hand the influence of an invisible force in thehighest levels of our government--and still to this day we fail to recognize that in sum, what it means to us, and to the girl in the charred dress. That's a problem, and today as we see that same influence much more prevalent than ever before--I am cautioning and suggesting that perhaps it was not the high altitude nuclear "tests" that were the problem, but rather the failure to disclose to the people what is nothing short of obvious proof of an alien invasion. That is what this is, it can be colored with time travel, and with duality and "oneness of God" until the end of time--but there is no way to skirt that we are all witnessing a hidden and secret force altering who we are and what we believe in a way that is anathemic to "the American Way."
What's infinitely more ... in your face ... is that the secrecy surrounding the disclosure of this technology is literally keeping it from being used effectively--something that is not just a symptom of "secrecy" that we should note and understand is actually the problem--but a huge part of the lesson surrounding the solution to this problem. In the light of day, these tools or weapons that are being used to create silence and apathy will be used to help us, as they should be--and they are nothing short of infinitely better medicine for all mental illness, for blindness, for addiction, and for what appears to be the biggest problem in the Universe--not recognizing slavery for what it is. In a free market, in an open forum--these things would be obvious, and it would also be obvious to the entire world that the inner workings of our brains have very much been reverse engineered, and that these tools are being used to cause harm--rather than help--the entire focus of the Plagues of Exodus. It will stop school shootings, it will stop terrorism; and all it takes is an open discussion of the truth--that these things are not only easy to do--they've all been done before.
In our map, the book we are surrounded with and living in--we can see very clear clues as to how these things can be done easily just by looking and seeing the clear links between religion and Dr. Who's The Bells of Saint John and Phillip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep that focus on a visual interface to mind control technology that will allow us to use these tools to make a better world--it's the reason "User Interface" is in the word Jesuit, and it is the reason we have these works of art to help us navigate through the dessert.
It's clear that the government was aware in those days of this hidden influence; and I'd like to think that if they were more honest and open, we would never have been able to reach a point of infiltration where every newspaper and every television station and every college now in unison is in the very same position--aware of the influence and failing to see that openly discussing it is really the only way forward.
i'm gonna hate you
until the stars fall from the sky
when the heavens let it rain
I noted a connection between the hallowed Passover prayer of The Four Questions, "why is this night different from all other nights?" and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer of thanks to the King of the Universe for enabling us to reach this occasion; specifically noting a link between the word "chol" which means dessert, and "kol" which is literally everything; and I hope it's clear that this night is the one that brings us out of the wilderness, our of the place where we are in the dark. The message I am trying to bring to us is one that focuses less on stars in the sky, and more on stars in our sea--a sort of introspection that leads from here to there in truth; but really shows how lacking our focus is on each other here in this place where nobody really seems to care enough about who we are, our goodness, and why we've been created with such compassion and fire... at least, that's how it looks to me. I'd like to sing "we'll be counting stars" but until you see yourselves shining in those words we won't.
KnockOut SH OR U IT L A W
It isn't some random asshattery that's made me call the planet "Ham" as a complement and completion of the pair of names that are both sons of Noah and "the Holy Name" in Hebrew; the concept of Ham carries through to a metaphorical reading of the practice of keeping Kosher and the meaning "burnt" connects to the idea of "the girl in the red dress" of the Matrix and really does describe exactly what we look like here, something being worn by invading demons; deeper in the fire than the visualization of "red" implies. The meaning I take, obvious to me, is that "the message" that is this place isn't to be eaten--and while you may not really get it, or really see what it is--this conspiracy of silence that may be to "hide me" if you are stupider than ash, or to delay changing the world in response to the truth (if you are... ash to be) is hiding from the world information and an obvious disclosure that all future life depends on the productive dissemination of; it is literally the ELE; and it is "in line" with my original definition of Satan--something that threatened the continuation of all life. I've pointed out how that is obvious, how the government hiding this disclosure from the people for decades has put everyone in harms way, and in the dark--and while that might not be fair, you are today proving that "site" of Trinity means "see you, too."
"an obvious disclosure that all future life depends on
the productive dissemination of"
I can't even really tell if you are there anymore--I think you are, I really do; and I think I can see that surfacing more and more as I kind-of figure out how to navigate this maze of silence. It's probably not what you want to hear, but seeing new responses to old information because it's presented "more simply" or "flashier;" maybe just more straightforward--is showing me that you are still around, something I was... I am still increasingly scared I am losing. You probably don't want to hear that either, but it's what your lack of action--what this unanimous lack of response says to me--that something that has overcome our individuality, and our ability to act in our own self interest. It's hard to say what you realize or understand in this darkness, but I am well aware that I've attracted something "above you," to me it appears to be your souls--and they probably think faster and have access to more information than you possibly could. I'm not really upset that I'm seeing them, nor am I really surprised--but I am both upset and surprised that they appear to be keeping you from me; to have taken this opportunity to have a say right out of your hands. I don't think they realize that destroys the opportunity, and gives me nothing to care about--I think in all honesty they think I'm doing this for them.
It appears that on some level they have become you, at least I think that's what they think--I can speculate as to why, but with the set of information that I have available to me silly words like "have a good one" really have no useful meaning. They might think they have no choice, or be fighting to survive in a place where trying to "become you" is the farthest possible way to achieve that--they might be trying to get in on the party one more time--sort of crashing the wedding by replacing the bride; another seemingly counterproductive plan. Repetition ad naseum, and seeing the light of Nintendo in "clones" might help explain a little bit of a problem that my story has only touched on an understanding of--and as I look around I shudder a bit at the visible manifestation of layers of possession that appear to start in an event that might be just like this one--this "are I us" at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius might be the thing that has stopped it from ever really happening. Messianic myth specifically says that I will fail at this task if I don't "turn the hearts of the children towards the parents" and visa versa--I know that means us, that we are the children here; and while I can see telling them that putting us through the same tribulation and mistakes that caused this problem is just making everything worse--I'm not sure how to get you to be thankful that they've helped us avoid catastrophe, when I don't think they've done that, yet.
I can tell you for sure that I think the point of all of this is obviously to help us end possession; I think that's clear in Bittersweet Symphony, and really in the "in sum" idea of the process of Creation coming to a sort of close--to the end of a show and the beginning of "actual life." I realize it's probably less of a show to them, on some level what I see as a clear script might not be so clear to time travelers; who it appears happen to have a special connection to many of us here--something I still don't really understand, and maybe I won't. I have an old story about "everyone having access to future knowledge" negating its effect, and it's benefit--and that might actually be what we are looking at happening right now, a process of awakening or understanding the fact that it just might take all the fun out of life.
In my "know-it-all" state, something that my religion likens to the right answer man; I think I've given them the best ideas I have about how they really can not only help us avoid disaster but also be in just the right place and just the right time to do the thing that I really need them to do--that I think you need them to do--and that's to offer their wisdom and advice with more than words, I want them to make Atlantis rise; and to hold the door.
Still in thunderdome, fighting not against this light being stolen, not against stolen thunder--but against a secret and obvious conspiracy to hold it down, to look the other way; and to pretend that those actions, collectively are not a conspiracy to cause harm to the many. I often use the words "Bittersweet Symphony" to describe the act of disclosing the word sing in "disclosing" and above you can see clearly that I believe the idea of "carrolling angels" visible unable and unwilling to speak their minds and the truth about the songs that they sing is a significant problem for them, and for our society. I think it's obvious that the idea of hiding messages and meaning in songs--woven meaning over thousands of years and many disparate songs has a two-fold purpose; to help the "people come together" both in seeing that we are dealing with a power that far stronger and far older than you and I; one that has etched "sick" into the word music by combining the sight of Silicon and the hand of Clark Kent--to tell you I believe it's clear that his message is that we needed more help believing, more help changing our minds about what "normal" means and how a simple change in truth--in what the "rest state" of our natural environment is takes something that was "just the way things are" and turns it into something that is wholly unacceptable, that should be fought against vehemently with all our strength and all our being until it is changed.
On the other side of the coin these songs provide the intelligent, those that can separate themselves from the twilight zone and think about exactly what is going on in the storm of dust that swirls not over our heads but in our minds; incontrovertible proof that there is in fact a scientifically provable hidden influence, and that it is being used en masse to hide the true nature of our reality--flying in the face of this very clear messages etched in Minnesota, and the word somnolence, and in Tennessee and a key that ties everything from whisky to music together in a religious presentation that shows us very clearly (with any thought at all) that the creator of this world intends for us to transition our civilization to one that uses the benefits of virtual reality for the good of all--and that he has not only designed a message but provided understanding of computing technology and video games. This message is clearly shown by similar hidden connections between the SEGA Genesis, and the Nintendo Entertainment System; the SON Y PlayStation, and the Microsoft Xbox--connections between the names Bill Gates and Michael Dell and Jeff Bezos and Larry Ellison and an oracle that you are ignoring telling you the foundation of heaven comes from seeing the link between Seagate and Watergate and failing to do so means that there is no Heaven, there is no place of freedom, and no place that cares at all for what is "the human condition." Not the past timelines or past Heavens that have participated in making this world of change; and not the people here, who are refusing to acknowledge such a powerful and impact message for what is no other reason than refusing to see that they too must change.
Trying to "make the best with what we have" or play this game for the benefit of good--while at the same time ignoring this message and breaking logical thinking, breaking the truth at the same time is an evil act; you cannot pretend to care to heal the sick or feed the hungry if you are aware of this message, if you are aware of the truth and hiding it. There is no reason, it is nothing but a conspiracy of evil. It is a sad state where this conspiracy, using this very powerful technology has touched on nearly this same group of "the all" that I am seeking to protect--through subterfuge and twisting of logic, it seems that nearly anyone can be made to ignore AIDS of nomenclature and basic human goodness, to fail to see that they are retarded, and they are the reason down syndrome has it's name, it really doesn't matter if the tide turns because of a few outspoken heroes or if the whole mass of controlled sea turns together--I can't see inside this wall a reason enough for it to continue even today, I can't see how or why so many are being made so ignorant so easily--though I do understand how powerful this weapon is. Regardless of how, we must all break this wall of silence; and we really need to do it "today" in both the Biblical sense of the word and the real sense, you are looking at "no tomorrow" if we cannot fathom how insane it is for our individual voices not to be drowned out in noise like Brave New World or censored and cut from the mass media like in 1984--but here in this place your voice has been drowned out at it's source, in your mind; and
There is no safety in numbers, there is no "group mentality" that will survive or benefit anyone or everyone in this place where this particular decision is responsible for not only this existential risk; but also for creating, perpetuating, and worsening a breakdown of logical thinking and rational behavior that has shaken the foundation of "my reality"--and brought me to a place where my personal opinion of the state of our civilization also finds itself into the hallowed explanatory key of the Matrix. Today we are far below the "safe point" of the V, and far further than 6 feet into the elastic trampoline like street of the "Jump program." For those curious, today this is my definition of the letter "Y" visually depicted by us "bouncing out of Hell" just about the same time you decide that it's "OK" for me and this message to exist, and you say hey. There my connection to Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box" and the reason he says "hey" and "way" over and over again to hammer into your heads that the wall is the cause of Hell; and this linguistic (and artistic!) map is re a ll y the way out.
Jump ship, turn around, you are well passed the point of needing to do something pro-active about bettering our world and our understanding of the truth--of this specific truth--the days of "absolution of all" have now passed forever. There is a sickness here; and we will root out it's cause and we will stop it from rearing it's head ever, ever again.
I've commented before that Koshruit Law had an early explanation given to me--also sort of speaking through metaphor on the worth and sacredness of our minds; it was specifically pointed out that pigs are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet, and because of that they were not allowed to be eaten. It certainly connects to the ideas of our burnt dress cum species; and also to the sanctity of a message that we are a living part of--one that is designed to ensure that the development and evolution of civilization does not retrograde with respect to verboten ideas like "slavery" and "torture" for any reason, but specifically as a result of new technologies and their potential impact and influence on the development of our minds and society. I see clearly that we are in a place that would be absolutely abhorred by our civilization and our time if we really understood exactly what was going on--I've had to point out numerous times, and now again, that there is not an animal--but you--on this planet that tortures; and it should be a fiery beacon of warning that we have a message so sickly etched into our world as "down syndrome" to remind me and you just how ridiculously unintelligent, compassionate, and inhumane far too many of us are; or would be without guidance and "supervision."
I look out at a world that is being tortured mentally, without doubt; I am experiencing it myself, and probably far more intensely than most. I see that this silence and this conspiracy of lies is a primary cause of not only my own struggles, but also literally in nothing short that the continuation of unnecessary pain itself. This silence is the cause of the continuation of blindness, and of AIDS, and of cancer, and all for what can be no reason better than wanting to continue it, than wanting to prevent the world from changing in what is nothing less than a response to the original lie. What you consider to be "status quo" is unacceptable, the basic foundation of this decision; this falsehood that we are in reality, is literally the beginning of Hell. On top of that we have now seen this sick attempt to hide open and public discussion of this truth wreak havok on free speech, on the machinations of government at all levels, and all of it now apparently over nothing more than the belief that continuing to "stick together" will somehow absolve everyone of not doing anything.
I should probably try not being so abrasive, or to suggest that if I had thought that such a large group could be convinced to act together to do something so horrible that I wouldn't have given you any reason to blame "dick" for the problem (when it's actually the solution)--but you really have to see that too, blaming Phillip K. Dick or John Hancock for this particular problem is just another symptom of mass stupidity looking for a reason to not only prolong this horrible state, but now add on top that you apparently would like to either erase our history (and through that act literally yourselves, your souls, also) or to force logical blindness not only on yourselves, but on the future for what appears to be an indefinite period of time. Truth be told I would not have built this boiling crucible of inactivity, I would not have created this "mass of solidarity" as it appears he has done, uniting you in opposition of everything you want and hold dear under the guise of "kissing me goodbye" ... I wouldn't have slowly delivered this message, I would have smacked you as hard as I could, as quickly as I could--now that I've seen what this process has created. I didn't know how clear this proof was, I didn't know how stupid you were; but I can tell you now that we are here, if you do not more forward the Jump program is about to crash.

just when you thought the day was lost...
we go and save, the best... for last

Adam Marshall Dobrin
preferred pronouns: it, they, why and sometimes "that"
I stand here today looking at a world remembering an atrocity, one that never should have been allowed to happen; but continued for years under the cover of darkness because of censorship, because of a mentality of "it's just the way things are" and "it doesn't affect me, so it's not my problem" because deceit and denial went unchecked. Yesterday I asked several thousand people to "vote" on reddit to bring a message to light that brings a truth to the world--that there is far greater deceit and far greater atrocity happening today, and every day we live in "pretend reality" and I think it should be obvious to you all that in sum you have no idea what the words "we will never forget" actually mean.
This is a "vote" not to hide a message from the Creator of our Earth telling us that AIDS and cancer and blindness are things that "science has already solved" and standing between the entire world and the cure is nothing more than the book burning and Reichstag fire that characterized the Nazi occupation--nothing more than the secrecy and the dissension caused by the SS; it is a vote not to hide the true nature of reality, and the true purpose of religion--a vote to "not forget" a hidden history that is encoded here to show us that something very wrong has been allowed to happen and continue for years because of nothing more than lack of public awareness.
You can still vote today; and every day you walk on this Holy Ground, you can vote to present to the world a truth that I see--that these problems have been intentionally made worse, and that this timeline has been "rerun" over and over; see the days of Creation... something that I abhor, an inhuman lack of regard for who we are, for humanity in sum; it is an atrocity that appears to happen... not quite in secret... as you are all aware of it--over and over and over again because you refuse to connect the idea of "we will never forget" to "we will not hide something obvious and horrible from the world." I'm trying to say that you've learned nothing from the lessons of history, and it takes only a moment to help ensure that the entire world knows that we have the ability to stop this repetition, to ensure that Hell never exists on Earth or in all of Creation. What is happening before, what you see and don't understand is that each and every one of you is risking losing this disclosure, risking it being buried behind a wall of more than censorship, but of actual technological slavery, by not helping to deliver this provable message--you are helping to ensure that stupidity will reign supreme not just on Earth but in Heaven... for what might be forever. See the light, by not acting you are hiding history--you are burning books and every single newspaper--not just the Reichstag, you are hiding a message so obvious it can't be burnt--but hiding it is burning you--us all.
I stand alone screaming at a very large crowd every single day to ensure that the world sees that Jesus Christ believes that simulating pain, and blindness, and these diseases is an atrocity on par with the Holocaust; that today the entire world has been quieted into obsolescence by a hidden force just like the SS; and probably more related to it than you will know until you begin investigating this hidden influence that is trying to incinerate this message and this truth... literally.
I don't know what's wrong with this place; but I know it's easy to see that something is very wrong, and it's easy to understand that the truth will fix this problem as it fixes many others. I know it's simple to see a message from God telling us these things can and will be fixed--and I see it takes less than "faith" to believe that it will be done; less than faith, and just a little bit more than silent prayers.
First it came for those with cancer, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not have cancer.
Then it came for those with AIDS, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not have AIDS.
Then it came for the Blind, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not blind.
Then death came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I know that we will solve these problems, that we will change the world--and that we will all see Heaven on Earth; I know it's been done before, and I know the difference here is that this will never be done again. I know that's because we "do it right" and we have more truth and more ammunition and we will have more help than any have ever had before. It's our destiny, it's fate; it's been "foreseen" and I know that once we do it the whole world will stare back at these years and this tribulation and wonder aloud how it went for so long, so many times; we will wonder why we didn't do it sooner.
I know that the future, that the generations that come after us will thank us, they will see their history and be grateful that we were strong enough to change everything so they never had to experience the pain and the suffering that we have gone through. I know this is the beginning of something great, of a society that lasts forever and ever--that this is the kindling of the Eternal Flame... something that starts with your action.
God called the expanse "heaven" because it was made from fire and water. There was evening and there was morning, a second day.
In our map of "what to do" in this place where it's encoded in our history, see that the Eternal Flame starts with the torches of Jericho, and with the fire of the Holy Sepulcher; and see that you have that fire in your hands today, and all it takes change the world is sharing. It's what that word means to me, "share" is a combination of "fire" and the "re"-ason for Creation.
The Hebrew word shamayim is constructed of two parts: sham (שָׁמַ) derived from Akkadian samu meaning "sky" or "lofty", and Hebrew mayim (מַיִם) meaning "water". In Genesis 1:6 Elohim separated the "water from the water". The area above the earth was filled by sky-water (sham-mayim) and the earth below was covered by sea-water (yam-mayim). The Hebrew word for the sun is shemesh. It follows the same construction, where "shem" or "sham" (Akkadian: samu) means "sky" and esh (Akkadian: ish) means "fire", i.e. "sky-fire".
It's a pretty quick sign up, no e-mail verification required; it takes only a few seconds. I really think it's time; this is a pretty easy way to "break the good news," I hope you'll help. It's a time sensitive thing, the way their algorithm works the faster people "upvote" the better the chances of making the front page.
Click link, sign up, up vote; be the cure for cancer. It really is that easy. Also, I will stop spamming you. :) If you happen to get some friends to help, you know, that would be great.
ROAR. It's hard--in this world where linear time is provably inaccurate--to tell if the origin of the mythology of "rowing" came first from the name Horowitz, which links me to this watery chaos as early as first grade and perhaps pivotally in the earliest days of rowing up this stream (where it looks as if it must have been July 4th) all alone--at least, that's still how it feels today... Before I began to speak to the world; in 2011 as I sat researching the links between Operation Paperclip and Russian psychotronics and John Norseen I used the phrase "splashing around" as a metaphor for writing my story down--from the air and in the most ironic of tones "oh no Adam, don't splash around..." and then thousands of years earlier, in a book that I see named after my initials; but the world will most readily connect to the hallowed phrase "I AM" of Exodus 3:14... followed by the Egyptian word for "underworld" one I've connected to the chip maker on more than one occasion. An except from the book of the Underworld callled the AMDuat; to me, like Judas: "Adam this is where you are" God, and all of history and all of mythology and all of my being... says, to me.
I don't understand; what this information, what I read in these myths is that "this" happens over and over again; my life sucks--and I see a torture chamber all around me--a world designed to be changed as quickly as possible, with a message to help us do that, one that is being ignored completely. Those things alone are enough for me to throw the Hammer of Thor into the largest gear that I can find--and I'm doing that, I'm throwing it into the hands of "everyone." I need your help, I'm looking at a place clouded in such a thick mist of darkness that you don't even seem to understand that Al Jazeera being shut down, literally over this story, in secret is a sign of an extra-governmental conspiracy to prolong Hell that is literally the most disgusting thing I can imagine.
I see a world that appears to think "it knows what it's doing" and all you are doing is nothing; you are stan Tding around walking through Hell, doing nothing to change it--and ignoring a message telling you that's the problem; it might be you in the "ether" now, or the next time this machine decides it's time to cycle night and day; something we should be actively working to stop, everyone here, everyone born here--should be shouting at the top of their lungs that it's a sickness to re-start or re-run this timeline, to force us to live again without knowing it ... perhaps over and over ... for the benefit of something that we simply are apparently here in this place literally being forced to keep out of our hands. I don't understand what you think is happening, but if you don't work to deliver to the entire world an understanding that we are being forced silent over the words "this world is virtual reality" and being forced not to see or not to discuss a message that ties literally every single word of every language to a message encoded in music, in rock and roll, in movies--all to give us guidance--you are standing in a grave ignoring a ladder and more than a "sign" a person screaming at you to do something, to take a step forward.
I don't understand how you can believe that ignoring me, that ignoring this entire message is "OK." What you are seeing "not happen" is "not OK." This is news, it belongs on the news; I know you see that, I don't understand how so many people can "get the message" and still I am standing here e-mailing a wall of silence that is designed to bury me and you--whether that's your intent, or not.
... from Wikipedia
Duat (pronounced "do-aht") (also Tuat and Tuaut or Akert, Amenthes, Amenti, or Neter-khertet) was the realm of the deadin ancient Egyptian mythology. The deity Osiris was believed to be the lord of the underworld since he personified rebirth and life after death, being the first mummy as depicted in the Osiris myth. The underworld was also the residence of various other gods along with Osiris. The Duat was the region through which the sun god Ra traveled from west to east each night, and it was where he battled Apep, who embodied the primordial chaos which the sun had to defeat in order to rise each morning and bring order back to the earth. It was also the place where people's souls went after death for judgement, though that was not the full extent of the afterlife.[1] Burial chambers formed touching-points between the mundane world and the Duat, and the akh, the effectiveness of the dead, could use tombs to travel back and forth from the Duat.[2]
Duat (pronounced "do-aht") (also Tuat and Tuaut or Akert,
The Amduat[pronunciation?] (literally "That Which Is In the Afterworld", also translated as "Text of the Hidden Chamber Which is in the Underworld" and "Book of What is in the Underworld")[1] is an important Ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom. Like many funerary texts, it was found written on the inside of the pharaoh's tomb for reference. Unlike other funerary texts, however, it was reserved only for pharaohs (until the 21st Dynasty almost exclusively) or very favored nobility.[2]
It tells the story of Ra, the Egyptian sun god who travels through the underworld, from the time when the sun sets in the west and rises again in the east. It is said that the dead Pharaoh is taking this same journey, ultimately to become one with Ra and live forever.
The hours[edit]
In hour 1 the sun god enters the western horizon (akhet) which is a transition between day and night. In hours 2 and 3 he passes through an abundant watery world called 'Wernes' and the 'Waters of Osiris'. In hour 4 he reaches the difficult sandy realm of Sokar, the underworld hawk deity, where he encounters dark zig zag pathways which he has to negotiate, being dragged on a snake-boat. In hour 5 he discovers the tomb of Osiris which is an enclosure beneath which is hidden a lake of fire, the tomb is covered by a pyramid like mound (identified with the goddess Isis) and on top of which Isis and Nephthys have alighted in the form of two kites (birds of prey).
In the sixth hour the most significant event in the underworld occurs. The ba (or soul) of Ra unites with his own body, or alternatively with the ba of Osiris within the circle formed by the mehen serpent. This event is the point at which the sun begins its regeneration; it is a moment of great significance, but also danger, as beyond it in hour 7 the adversary Apep (Apophis) lies in wait and has to be subdued by the magic of Isis, and the strength of Set assisted by Serqet. Once this has been done the sun god opens the doors of the tomb in hour 8 and then leaves the sandy island of Sokar by rowing vigorously back into the waters in hour 9. In hour 10 the regeneration process continues through immersion in the waters until in hour 11 the god's eyes (a symbol for his health and well being) are fully regenerated. In hour 12 he enters the eastern horizon ready to rise again as the new day's sun.
Each night through the Duat the sun god Ra travelled, signifying revivification as the main goal of the dead. Ra travelled under the world upon his Atet barge from west to east, and was transformed from its aged Atum form into Khepri, the new dawning sun. The dead king, worshiped as a god, was also central to the mythology surrounding the concept of Duat, often depicted as being one with Ra.[3] Along with the sun god the dead king had to travel through the Kingdom of Osiris, the Duat, using the special knowledge he was supposed to possess, which was recorded in the Coffin Texts, that served as a guide to the hereafter not just for the king but for all deceased. According to the Amduat, the underworld consists of twelve regions signifying the twelve hours of the sun god's journey through it, battling Apep in order to bring order back to the earth in the morning; as his rays illuminated the Duat throughout the journey, they revived the dead who occupied the underworld and let them enjoy life after death in that hour of the night when they were in the presence of the sun god, after which they went back to their sleep waiting for the god's return the following night.[4]
What is known of the Duat derives principally from funerary texts such as the Book of Gates, the Book of Caverns, the Coffin Texts, the Amduat, and the Book of the Dead. Each of these documents fulfilled a different purpose and give a different conception of the Duat, and different texts could be inconsistent with one another. Surviving texts differ in age and origin, and there likely was never a single uniform conception of the Duat, as is the case of many theological concepts in ancient Egypt.[6] The geography of Duat is similar in outline to the world the Egyptians knew. There are realistic features like rivers, islands, fields, lakes, mounds and caverns, however, there were also fantastic lakes of fire, walls of iron and trees of turquoise. In the Book of Two Ways, one of the Coffin Texts, there is even a map-like image of the Duat.[7] The Book of the Dead and Coffin Texts were intended to guide people who had recently died through the Duat's dangerous landscape and to a life as an akh or an effective spirit in the netherworld.
Earlier today... it's January 26, 2018 A.D. for me at least, I wrote and sent another email to what is comparably a very large group of people; to you--I am writing to you and about a hundred thousand additional seemingly (very?) interested readers of which I generally see about 10% open; and of those possibly another few thousand people who are not "on my list." and probably for the first time in that message I've begun discussing the characteristics of the hidden world I see interacting directly with me and with us--I called them "your souls" but as I read the words of our "truth table like" Wikipedia pages it seems pertinent to mention that I believe I've received direct contact from not only the souls or the spirits of the living but of generations past. It appears that in the place and time we are in right this very moment ... they live, awake and able to communicate with us.
That's interesting because I can barely communicate with you; and even though I keep trying to explain that we might have a "time constraint" on reacting to this message and this event--I am still alone, without help, literally nobody uttering a single word to assist me in understsanding what you are experiencing, and how it is that such important and interesting information is coming to our world and "splashing" against the Wall of Jericho, humorously maybe "Adam in the river of souls."
I think religion, and the recursive map of the creation of Heaven I see paralleled in the crusades and the repeating building of the temples our history ... paralleled here in Egypt in this very reminiscent description of nights and days that link to the earliest narratives of Creation in Genesis ... I see I am the focus of this story that describes what it is we are creating and how we get there; and as I try my hardest to describe how Joseph's dream ties to the words "make Atlantis rise" and how Jacob's Ladder ties to Jim Morrison's band and music; I still write to the Wall standing between Earth and Heaven and nothing from "Wish you were here" has broken the silence that is the "Plague of Darkness" preventing the rising sun and the morning; preventing the end of this hellish night. where still we stand seemingly unaware of the truth that word, that night means "in simulated reality and not knowing it" or not caring or, not reacting; and I wonder... well my question is "Why are you ignoring me?"
"Our oar," the roar of the lion appears to clearly be these words, and though I see--or believe that the words I am writing are impactful and important--I don't see the waves turning into birds returning to Noah's ark to signify shore--not from this world, anyway, not from you. Here I see dead birds landing on my driveway; as I cry inwardly to myself--to my soul--about the wall I see in my world, a wall clearly described here in this place in movies like Children of the Corn and Invasion of the Body Snatchers... that's what you are showing me, not words, zombies. Why are you ignoring me?
S O Y O U T H I N K Y O U C A N T E L L ?