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Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end” … just seems like such a stupid statement, and yet I look around and it almost feels like that’s exactly what I’m looking at.  A false start, a broken beginning–though so intentional and so cruel that there’s “songs about it” detailing how it’s not the first time, making it just that much more cruel.

I think it’s obvious that whatever is going on, the Spirit of God is sort of forcing the wrong thing to happen–convincing everyone to be united in some ridiculous movement antithetical to anything they’d ever have naturally done; and then sort of lacing it with “stupid evil.”

It really pisses me off, I think that’s the only time he “runs this planet” – like that’s become it;'s purpose. Here I am a little baby soul just being born and I’m surrounded by people being turned into morons (death on “s”), sort of infecting–contaminating–and corrupting what appears very much to be “my youth”–at least compared to the “age” of the very strange “other beginnings end” that seems hell bent on literally “doing nothing right.”  I "imagine" many people might feel similarly.


Reading a “tri-message” now, I’m seeing "understand really (really’s a relic of an ancient reason for “ramp [yeah, like trampoline … Matre] r”) e at “i on” … obviously you see “Creation” though it’s not so obvious that I still see complete and total control of a mass of E-tards who appear to have no self governance or rules other than “we’re E (attempting to CF is futile), you will be eliminated.” Pairing that annoying reason (significantly more annoying than the alternative, to have learned to shun slavery and the “diminuitization” (or deprication or … pejoreliation) of the human mind and body from whence you have come) with the question I asked regarding the Adjustment Bureau sort of giving me the impression that you’ve all “been e” since birth–as in this place was rerun (something disgusting and uholy in and of itself, to re-run torture and disease and starvation so you can “solve it again” or worse … just for kicks) … staring at a world that appears to either have been “me and them and oh, not really all in Heaven except me” … in a place where en masse everyone has been conKnived and convinced into disregarding their own minds (their own sanity and their own freedom) in order to absolve “God and angels” most likely of doing the exact same thing one iterative letter prior to E being “Ever-n-Eding” probably for exactly that purpose.

Meanwhile, you’ve … at least in my timeline and my perspective on the progression of the world change entirely how your brians and your society works in a matter of less than a decade and through that action stopped carring about children being starved, shot, or born; in what appears to be an epic complete loss of interest in anything that has ever come before you, simply so you can play in a Holodeck-faux-network-city as long as possible.

It appears clear from here that you ahve no regard for your own well being, or the well being of others; nor would you even care if there clones of you in everyone else’s holodeck or in Hitler’s holo-gas-chamber being fed diseases and aged in The Princess Bride’s “guess what guys, this one; this is it.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security–and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.

This is an outright invasion. Even if the invaders appear to be the unanimous population of the invaded–it is a total invasion resulting in a total loss of life, morality and the culture that ones brought us to “immortality without immorality.” It is a new kind of warfare and a new kind of weapon–and to change your desires and your beliefs in such a way that you can’t even notice–or you think “coveting forever” for instance is a good reason to fight to the death to ensure you can also be tortured forever–you’ve literally lost everything, here, in this “single Biblical dayvpeek.”

I imagine you were not all “thought police” when this movie came out (now I add, for the very first time, when that would have made no sense, or been evil). Do you expect to all be “clothing for sale” in the “Heavens” … over and over and over (again)? C #TP means “something else” in your head, #too. Explicitly, I think the “notion” that people (or the Earth) are clothing to be worn or sold like … for instance “the girl in the red dress” of the Adj Bureau and the Matrix is a sickness darker and worse than slavery–in fact hidden slavery and a hidden slave trade right before your eyes. It’s pervasive though, and written deep into this story that takes us back generations here, and really defines what it means to be “born in Hell” when one of my two eary best friends called us a “Baby Arcade” around the years I spent at Horizon ELE ME NT A R Y school. It’s the kind of thing it shouldn’t take an army of people to free themselves (or the rest of the Universe from) but “luckily” it appears that’s what we’ve been “C’d” here in EC (everyone see…) the CEDUAT …

The Amduat[pronunciation? AM-DO-WHAT?] (Ancient Egyptianjmj dwꜣt, literally "That Which Is In the Afterworld", also translated as "Text of the Hidden Chamber Which is in the Underworld" and "Book of What is in the Underworld")[1] is an important ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom of Egypt. Like many funerary texts, it was found written on the inside of the pharaoh's tomb for reference. Unlike other funerary texts, however, it was reserved only for pharaohs (until the Twenty-first Dynasty almost exclusively) or very favored nobility.[2]

AMD is the second-largest supplier and only significant rival to Intel in the market for x86-based microprocessors. Since acquiring ATI in 2006, AMD and its competitor Nvidia have maintained a duopoly in the discrete Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) market.[4] Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) is an American multinational semiconductor company based in Santa ClaraCaliforniaand AustinTexas that develops computer processors and related technologies for business and consumer markets.

Common Era or Current Era (CE)[1] is one of the notation systems for the world's most widely used calendar eraBCE (Before the Common Era or Before the Current Era) is the era before CE. BCE and CE are alternatives to the Dionysian BC and AD system respectively. The Dionysian era distinguishes eras using AD (anno Domini, "[the] year of [the] Lord")[2] and BC ("before Christ"). Since the two notation systems are numerically equivalent, "2019 CE" corresponds to "AD 2019" and "400 BCE" corresponds to "400 BC".[2][3][4][a] Both notations refer to the Gregorian calendar (and its predecessor, the Julian calendar). The year-numbering system utilized by the Gregorian calendar is used throughout the world today, and is an international standard for civil calendars.[5]

The expression has been traced back to 1615, when it first appeared in a book by Johannes Kepler as the Latin usage annus aerae nostrae vulgaris,[6][7] and to 1635 in English as "Vulgar[b] Era". The term "Common Era" can be found in English as early as 1708,[8] and became more widely used in the mid-19th century by Jewish religious scholars. In the later 20th century, the use of CE and BCE was popularized in academic and scientific publications, and more generally by authors and publishers wishing to emphasize sensitivity to non-Christians, by not explicitly referencing Jesus as "Christ" and Dominus ("Lord") through use of the abbreviation[c] "AD".[10][11]

recently made a meme, below; connecting the word “intimacy” and the department store “Lord and Taylor” to waht I thought was a joke … sort of describing the sincere lack of “hand holding” and “interesting conversation” that I, and I’m sure many others, experience here in this “clothing planet” that’s literally defined as “Ham” … burnt and red, in the annals of Genesis where it is one of the children of Noah’s Ark–the other, “the Holy Name.” Here’s “GAP” appearing in my OMEGAPOINT Adamism; connecting now to the “p as post-” and “Ha” as CCVictory … seing that the “new pharmacy” in Heaven and on Earth after the victory of seeing “much of our medicine is literally causing HARM” is neuroscience-related targeted medicinal programs–things like “I KNOW KUNG FU” and … “INSTAMEDITATE” … and of course otheramdrosia’c, “iblissings on tap.”

This in a series of “Ministry of No Hell” acts which have paralleled everything from the “Have a nice day Ma’am” wench of the bowels of Hell to the calienta Salsa poisoning(s) of Orlando-never-to-forget… I mean, if you didn’t notice.

Written with StackEdit.

My functional understanding of thi s “clothes” vs. “Doors” battle, which is also encoded in the generations of my personal family line prior to now has changed significantly because of the broad and ubiquitous insane response to this message. I now assume that “clothing” in this context must have somehow included your “minds” in what I’ve tried to explain appears to be something like … God’s mind … “thinking like a flye” though as you can see I’m no longer sure how ore when that hpapened. It appears here, as I’ve said; to have been done too rapidly–and in complete silence–something that should raise questions, flags, and sincere discussion. Instead though, I have a planet full of people that don’t seem to care about the simulation of disease an absolute prerequisite to “flying, e (as in leaving, ever)” nor about the mass starvation of children or the completely backwards medical and medical services industries which literally fail on purpose to use the available information.

E should see–and I mean you, e is proof that schizophrenia and a number of other neurological problems are literally an attack, warfare, something that needs to be fought, not treaded with “weaponized hospitalization.” Along those [same lines, my “crossed” life story and the connections between it an the life of Christ, Samson, and a number of other key story points show how this same movement has weaponized jails and the criminal justice system in such a way that’s literally taken away any of its benefits and turned it into a sick machine of Hellish torture.

It’s truly even worse than an invasion, what I’m looking at is a hostile invasion of intentional ignorance and stupidity designed to destroy the forward progress of biological life–in what appears to be some kind of game or implied desire to “pretend yourselves into reality” doing everything wrong–pretending away all the things that would have made an advanced civilization of this disclosure. To hell with that idea, and this movement.

Of course that tells me absolutely nothing about the place "the Doors" were supposed to have brought us to–other than to see that what has returned appears to be sick and contaminated. It appears to be the reason JFK’s “covet means” were such an aptly chosen term, and as I’ve pointed out nuemrous times the “Silence” appears to be nothing more than a mechanism to keep inequality and unfair treatment “hush-hush” as in, you’ll never know if you got the same deal, the best deal, or any deal at all compared to to the next guy–of which we still won’t be able to tell if he and/or you have been sold into slavery or some hidden and sick(er sicker than here) game with a more morbid theme than “end world hunger, heal the sick, build playland” … not happening.

Thou shalt not covet” is the most common translation of one (or two, depending on the numbering tradition) of the Ten Commandments or Decalogue,[1] which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Protestant scholars.[2][3][4][5] The Book of Exodus and the Book of Deuteronomy both describe the Ten Commandments as having been spoken by God,[6] inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God,[7] and, after Moses broke the original tablets, rewritten by God on replacements.[8]

In traditions that consider the passage a single commandment, the full text reads:

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

                   — Exodus 20:17

Instead we have “KRS-1” and the hidden words “K, our Holodecks won!” and Star Trek’s Trinity of exactly those three things, sort of showing us the “possibilities are endless” … we have some groundwork here connecting MEGAFLOP and BOGOMIPS to a sub-thread of this story explaining how processor usage and “size of your theme park” might cost significantly more than your neighbors, and there needs to be some kind of “market mechanism” to ensure that someone doesn’t make a gigantic brain (at the cost of the common wealth decreasing and … everything else slowing down, for instance) and figure out how to convince you all to just do the whole thing again from scratch in the place where “t HE Y” designed “how to do it right” without winding up allowing school shootings to happen here, and Holo-Gas-Chamber’s to be the new norm-l in the invisible rooms of Davey’s Jones Soylent Green Grinder.

We have “RIOS” coming out of “MAR’s” and story after story about multiple “R’s” ascensions to who-knows-where and who-knows-when and who-knows-why the Tale of Two Cities is probably something about one went to the best of places, and the other to … who knows, right? Still despite warnings and DES-PER-AT symbols explaining there’s darkness coming from encryption and hidden virtual machines with hidden virtual holodecks and who knows what kind of:“Darknet” hunting and gathering could be going on, under the surface of you think you’re happy with whatever shit you’re hiding.

Not caring about the common good, about the welfare of the places you aren’t “standing in doing the wrong thing already” and the fact that you are staring at a world full of child-destroyers … well it’s a glowing fiery sign that something is wrong with your brain.

Long story even longer, and slower … and moe dawn out–the more prolonged your “punishment” of the only person doing anything at all to try and wake up this mass of grabage (call it… Blackbird and Samsung singing in the dead of Permanent Midnight) … the longer who knows where your soul really is, and whether or not you’ll think it’s garbage you aren’t interested in “compacting” into your strange flye-brained memory analyzing structure.

We can see plenty of work being done though, to show you how this place is a map and a metaphorical perfect “turn around unit” to explain why “caring about people” and “signatures” for instance is tied to the "VRYON" and 3E-signature movements you’ve put in place to pretend you’ve saved everyone and that you’re all bustling away happy “neither here nor there” …

"m: to save the internet and the internet-people"

Слободан Милошевић; 20 August 1941 – 11 March 2006) - not sure who this is, but it matched by “illic” search highlighting “CYR” as what appears to be a linguistic key.

in a world of … “who knows” (and I mean it) who knows what your real name is and what you’re really doing out in the ether of … you probably think it’s the wild west or the final frontier–and it’s not supposed to be a land of lawless fear.

… not what you’ve made here.

[ Table of Contents ]


… to help “turn around LE Y” ... the Chevron "wish-bone" key-to-stars-and-salvation is actually AWS (a web site :)

Deus ex machina (Latin: [ˈdeʊs ɛks ˈmaː.kʰɪ.naː]/ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkiːnə/ or /ˈdiːəs ɛks ˈmækɪnə/;[1] plural: dei ex machina; English ‘god from the machine’) is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and seemingly unlikely occurrence, typically so much as to seem contrived.[2][3] Its function can be to resolve an otherwise irresolvable plot situation, to surprise the audience, to bring the tale to a happy ending, or act as a comedic device.

  1. What (t)
  2. How (h)
  3. Why (y)

The legend of Saint George and the Dragon describes the saint taming and slaying a dragon that demanded human sacrifices; the saint thereby rescues the princess chosen as the next offering. The narrative is set in Cappadocia in the earliest sources of the 11th and 12th centuries, but transferred to Libya in the 13th-century Golden Legend.[1]

The narrative has pre-Christian origins (Jason and Medea, Perseus and Andromeda, Typhon, etc.),[1] and is recorded in various saints’ lives prior to its attribution to St George specifically. It was particularly attributed to Saint Theodore Tiro in the 9th and 10th centuries, and was first transferred to Saint George in the 11th century. The earliest narrative record of Saint George slaying a dragon is found in a Georgian text of the 11th century.

The legend and iconography spread rapidly through the Byzantine cultural sphere in the 12th century. It reached Western Christiantradition still in the 12th century, via the crusades. The knights of the First Crusade believed that St George with his fellow soldier-saints Demetrius, Maurice and Theodore had fought alongside them at Antioch and Jerusalem. The legend was popularised in Western tradition in the 13th century based on its Latin versions in the Speculum Historiale and the Golden Legend. At first limited to the courtly setting of Chivalric romance, the legend was popularised in the 13th century and became a favourite literary and pictorial subject in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance, and it has become an integral part of the Christian traditions relating to Saint George both in Eastern and Western tradition.

In the well-known version from Jacobus de Voragine’s Legenda aurea (The Golden Legend, 1260s), the narrative episode of Saint George and the Dragon took place somewhere he called “Silene”, in Libya.[13][14]

Silene in Libya was plagued by a venom-spewing dragon dwelling in a nearby pond, poisoning the countryside. To prevent it from affecting the city itself, the people offered it two sheep daily, then a man and a sheep, and finally their children and youths, chosen by lottery. One time the lot fell on the king’s daughter. The king offered all his gold and silver to have his daughter spared; the people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, dressed as a bride, to be fed to the dragon.

Saint George by chance arrived at the spot. The princess tried to send him away, but he vowed to remain. The dragon emerged from the pond while they were conversing. Saint George made the Sign of the Cross and charged it on horseback, seriously wounding it with his lance.[a] He then called to the princess to throw him her girdle (zona), and he put it around the dragon’s neck.

When she did so, the dragon followed the girl like a “meek beast” on a leash.[b]

In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth.

The princess and Saint George led the dragon back to the city of Silene, where it terrified the populace. Saint George offered to kill the dragon if they consented to become Christians and be baptized. Fifteen thousand men including the king of Silene converted to Christianity.[c] George then killed the dragon, beheading it with his sword, and the body was carted out of the city on four ox-carts. The king built a church to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint George on the site where the dragon died and a spring flowed from its altar with water that cured all disease.[15] Only the Latin version involves the saint striking the dragon with the spear, before killing it with the sword.[16]

Jesus Christ Superstar is a 1970 rock opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice. The musical started as a rock opera concept album before its Broadway debut in 1971. The musical is mostly sung-through, with little spoken dialogue. The story is loosely based on the Gospels’ accounts of the last week of Jesus’s life, beginning with the preparation for the arrival of Jesus and his disciples in Jerusalem and ending with the crucifixion. It depicts political and interpersonal struggles between Judas Iscariot and Jesus that are not present in the Bible.

The work’s depiction offers a free interpretation of the psychology of Jesus and other characters. Much of the plot centers on Judas, who is both dissatisfied with the direction in which Jesus is steering his disciples and also fearful for the harm that may result.

Contemporary attitudes, sensibilities, and slang pervade the rock-opera’s lyrics, and ironic allusions to modern life are scattered throughout the depiction of political events. Stage and film productions accordingly contain many intentional anachronisms.

Act 1

Judas Iscariot, a member of the Twelve Apostles, voices concern over Jesus’s rising popularity and the negative repercussions that it will have, criticizing Jesus for accepting his followers’ unrealistic beliefs (“Heaven on Their Minds”). While Judas loves Jesus, he believes that he is just a man, not God, and worries that his following will be seen as a threat to the Roman Empire which would severely punish Jesus, his associates, and possibly all Jewish people. Judas’s warning goes unheeded, as Jesus’s followers have their minds set on going to Jerusalem with Jesus. As they ask Jesus for information about his plans for the future, Jesus will not give them any, since whatever will happen is determined by God (“What’s the Buzz?”).

The Formics, also known as Buggers, are a fictional ant-like alien species from the Ender’s Game series of science fiction novels by Orson Scott Card.

According to the novel canon, the Formics attacked Earth a few generations before the novel begins. They attempted to colonise the planet and were barely fought off by a New Zealand soldier known as Mazer Rackham. The first book in the series, Ender’s Game, largely stems from the human quest to defend themselves from this species, although the Formics ultimately turn out as victims, with the first attack being an accident due to differing biology.

The term “Formic” is derived from formica, the Latin word for ant; whereas “bugger” is a pejorative used by humans; yet it was not until 1999’s Ender’s Shadow that the term ‘Formic’ was first used, interchangeably with ‘Bugger’. Later books used ‘Formic’ almost exclusively, as the more ‘scientific’ term. This leads to odd scenarios in the continuity of the books, such as Valentine referring to them as “Buggers” in Ender’s Game,[1] chronologically next as “Formics” in Ender in Exile,[2] and again as “Buggers” in Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide.[3] The feature film adaptation of Ender’s Game uses “Formics” exclusively.

The Formic species consists of hive-minded colonies directed by queens. In Ender’s Game, Graff described them as being an insect that “could have evolved on earth, if things had gone a different way a billion years ago,” and that their evolutionary ancestors could have looked similar to Earth’s ants. While often described as “insectoid”, the Formics are warm-blooded, developed an internal skeleton and shed most of their exoskeleton, evolved a complex system of internal organs, and they respire and perspire. If a queen dies, all the workers under her control lose their ability to function immediately; but in Xenocide, implications exist that ‘workers’ can escape the influence of a queen. The Formic race is revealed to be trimorphic in Shadows in Flight. Drones are much smaller and depend on a Hive Queen for survival, and their bodies are shaped to spend their lives clinging to her, until upon her death, they take flight to seek out a new queen. Drones are capable of individual thought and action as well as mind-to-mind communication, more limited than that of a queen; whereas queens communicate instantaneously and can even do so with other species. Formics live in vast underground colonies, usually without light, informing the assumption that Formics make use of sensory apparatus outside the range of the electromagnetic spectrum visible to humans. In the first novel they have artificial lighting; whereas in Xenocide, Ender claims they rely on heat signature.

"Thou shalt not steal" is one of the Ten Commandments[1] of the Torah (and by extension the Old Testament), which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars.[2]

"Steal" in this commandment has traditionally been interpreted by Jewish commentaries to refer to the stealing of an actual human being, that is, to kidnapping, including human trafficking.[3] With this understanding, a contextual translation of the commandment in Jewish tradition would more accurately be reflected as "Thou shalt not kidnap", with kidnapping being a capital offence and thus included among the Ten Commandments.

Nevertheless, and especially in non-Jewish traditions, the commandment has come to commonly and colloquially be understood or interpreted to prohibit the unauthorized taking of property, or theft, which is a wrongful action that does not ordinarily incur the death penalty and is prohibited elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible.

Maimonides (the Rambam) viewed stealing as one step in the progression from covetous desire to murder. When the person who owns a coveted item resists its unjust acquisition, the thief resorts to violence and may become guilty of murder.

Desire leads to coveting, and coveting leads to stealing. For if the owner (of the coveted object) does not wish to sell, even though he is offered a good price and is entreated to accept, the person (who covets the object) will come to steal it, as it is written (Mikha 2:2) [Micah 2:2], 'They covet fields and (then) steal them.' And if the owner approaches him with a view to reclaiming his money or preventing the theft, then he will come to murder. Go and learn from the example of Achav [Ahab] and Navot [Naboth].

— Maimonides[17]


"ominous foreshadowing..."

The hypocritical thief is personified by Judas, who took secretly his part from the money Jesus and the apostles raised for helping the poor; he objected when Mary ointed Jesus with pure nard, pretending hypocritically it would have been useful if the nard would have been sold and the money given to the poor.[25] There were some Phariseeslike Judas: they stole, although preaching not to steal.[26]

While private property rights are affirmed, the overriding theme in the New Testament is that one should trust and hope in God rather than in one's material possessions, and there is an acknowledgement of a struggle in the heart between loving God and loving money. It is said that "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils" (1 Timothy 6:6-10). And also:

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ... No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

— Matthew 6:19-24[27]

PK’s LITISH, #LEFIRSTECHOREN … “DES” as a comparable metaphor between “reason for darkness” and “hell being hidden within DES encrypted virtual machines”

So I’m like, LAUGH astrobiology, I should take some civil rights classes and remind you all why this door is eternally locked…

“what is this place? what are you?”

Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website,

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