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wget http://urlzs.com/hSy2f orcaz SITORY "we see it yo..." >> n ... as "you || cityo"
אבל: יִתְגַּדַּל וְיִתְקַדַּשׁ שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא. [קהל: אמן]
בְּעָלְמָא דִּי בְרָא כִרְעוּתֵהּ וְיַמְלִיךְ מַלְכוּתֵהּ בְּחַיֵּיכון וּבְיומֵיכון וּבְחַיֵּי דְכָל בֵּית יִשרָאֵל בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב, וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל: אמן]
קהל ואבל: יְהֵא שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא:
אבל: יִתְבָּרַךְ וְיִשְׁתַּבַּח וְיִתְפָּאַר וְיִתְרומַם וְיִתְנַשּא וְיִתְהַדָּר וְיִתְעַלֶּה וְיִתְהַלָּל שְׁמֵהּ דְּקֻדְשָׁא. בְּרִיךְ הוּא. [קהל: בריך הוא:]
לְעֵלָּא מִן כָּל בִּרְכָתָא בעשי”ת: לְעֵלָּא לְעֵלָּא מִכָּל וְשִׁירָתָא תֻּשְׁבְּחָתָא וְנֶחֱמָתָא דַּאֲמִירָן בְּעָלְמָא. וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל: אמן]
יְהֵא שְׁלָמָא רַבָּא מִן שְׁמַיָּא וְחַיִּים עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשרָאֵל. וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל:אמן]
עושה שָׁלום בעשי”ת: הַשָּׁלום בִּמְרומָיו הוּא יַעֲשה שָׁלום עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשרָאֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל: אמן]
When I grew up and fell inz love
I asked my swethiart, what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows
Day after day
Here's what my setheart said
Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, we'll be
Die Arbeiter von Wien – Wikipedia
Wie auch die Lüge uns schmähend umkreist,
alles besiegend erhebt sich der Geist.
Kerker und Eisen zerbricht seine Macht,
wenn wir uns rüsten zur letzten Schlacht.
So flieg, du flammende, du rote Fahne,
voran dem Wege, den wir ziehn.
Wir sind der Zukunft getreue Kämpfer,
wir sind die Arbeiter von Wien.
As the lie also orbits us,
the spirit rises, defeating everything.
Dungeon and iron breaks his power,
when we prepare for the last battle.
So fly, you flaming, you red flag,
ahead of the way we go.
We are faithful fighters for the future,
we are the Arbiters of the Geneva Co(n)vent.
layout: post title: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His public-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel .. Rev 1 date: '2017-06-13T06:48:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-10-14T05:30:35.126-07:00' blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8758503587102933296.post-8434286377314065231 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/06/the-revelation-of-jesus-christ-which.html
From: Adam M. Dobrin <[email protected] UTAH>
Date: Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His public-servants, the things which must shortly take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel .. Rev 1
so many stories I can tell--just a few days ago, mabye weeks now... for some reason I started describing what it is--this place you too are describing, and all i care about is whether you know--and i must imagine you see it. i started talking about a place where people think they're stars; but really something like a monopoly game--a map to the strange and (to me, so foreign this is as good a description as I come across) hidden world of a Heaven where our "social networks" our, bubbles of houses or family and friend circles an neighborhoods and ... ... where it's star systems, where my dad's "per se" raining down in the "perseids" from some far off place where Cassiopeia and TI-89's are linked by more than "U2" and Spu2nik and ... and some thing or place described in the words "uninversal truth" that could mean just about anything other than what I see visibly around me--here in this place where I think that's the Universal Truth. the voice of the character or entity that I call god; some time around the part of the "I'm imagining a place where people have bought the names and locations of stars" probably in some kind of meta-game--like buying "Bored Walk" or.... the "Central Park Pool" and still probably or maybe with intent or maybe not... of one day actually having something to do with what's in the star system--or maybe I have it all backwards. he says, sort of a voice over while I'm speaking ... "he's just guessing." the markup, the connotation is that it's "JUST AMAZING" how spot on I am; at least that's what I'm reading as he's saying it; while I'm describing the place I'm coming to realize I might actually never seen--even though I'm sure I had something to do with dreaming it all up. I look back on it, and now I sort of read into it that he was suggesting he was putting words in the ink of his pen; I mean in my mouth, and ... and I guess that's the truth, but it's not how it felt when it was happening. It felt real, I felt real when I was dreaming up the place that clearly already existed--right down to the prophetic initials of my father in some fabled cyclical meteoric event--right down to "Merry Christmas" in Spanish, or "prophets" in Hebrew.
Jun 12, 2019, 9:51 AM (2 days ago)
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As a brief commentary, I'm not sure how many people would instantly respond to the name of Janet's band ... with exactly what I did--with a "lit" and "linked" connection to the game Paper, Rock and Scissors--it's almost impossible to believe and be sure that this connection is part of the original intent of naming tjheir band "Running with Scissors" ... or realize perhaps that the "missing Rock" in our "head" another unintentionally or perhaps near perfect reference to Zeus and the idea that the Minervan core of his mind is .. quite literally the world we see around us here. Minerva, encased within the mind of God.Rock; paper, opinion... shoot?!I'm sharing this today because this song literally re-ignited my ... somewhat waning and nearly lost belief that there are still people here who want to see "opinions" (and even, perhaps "hands" return to the process of ascension that I'd all but given up on ever returning to see "heroes" or "heroine" or "avenues" connecting Heaven and Hell's Kitchen.I know, you should look around you and see a significant ... somewhat strange "doublehollering" of assistance and echoes and additions and ... what have you to the message that is ... an outline of a legend of an overlay to the Map that connects our Atlas to the Matrix to ... well, to these roads to futures once-or-more-taken and yet to me completely hidden. It's that though, that they're hidden completely to me, these futures, and "Indian Pines" and ... and nearly any kind of direct comment or addition other than,"We hear you, Adam." I even have a friend on Facebook named "Adam Speaks" as if we need to be reminded. I wonder if that person comes from a time where speaking is rare, and if you find that thought or possibility, that a "Last Supper" did away not just with hunger or our need for "23 complete amino acid chains" but also with conversation ....... scary?
Tash (Narnia)
Tash is a fictional deity found in C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia series. He is an antagonist in the novels The Horse and His Boy and The Last Battle.
Tash is the patron god of the ruling class of Calormen. The Calormene capital is named Tashbaan, and the Tisrocs and Tarkaans and Tarkheenas all claim descent from Tash. The worship of Tash is the only formal religion depicted in the world of Narnia, except that the people of Narnia honour the memory of Aslan, a great lion who was killed and returned from the dead many generations before. There are temples to Tash, Calormenes regularly use ritual phrases such as "Tash the inexorable, the irresistible" and "Tash preserve us", and he is the only being referred to by any character in the books as a god. At the end of the series, Tash is revealed as the antithesis of Aslan (who represents Jesus), and appears as a terrible demon, with a skeletal, humanoid body, a vulture-like head, and four taloned arms.

often times I think of special names or combinations of words that I think might make a good "book title." book titles are important to me, as are song titles and ... band titles and ... names--for instance. today's word, which has nothing to do with Hermann Park in Houston nor Derek Ferreal or even Paul Rubens ... today's word is:
"EC" has become a key two letters that you can see in places like #detectiveand #nectar and here paired with the strangity of the word "desecration" in a palace where I believe god still has absolute power--even to artificially inflate the thing he's rationing (except maybe not if he's rationing goodness or graciousness or ... love from me)--and those first three letters have ubiquitously become somehow synonymous in my head with "evil encryption" hiding and darkness--coined here in some backwards and basic encryption standard with the word "DATA" preceding it, where I might have preferred "digital" as in the DMCA and also connecting to fingers on hands and the special "Al" of ... gee, I hope I am the storm.
Rationing here, with small spaces left in the minds of those of you who might read the words I saw and not appreciate or interpret "flowery speech" and circumlocution as some kind of sardonic artistic design or rendering of a special flavor of "artistic liscene" ... to take a spelling error in the Nicene Cred one step further ... I mean what does God have to ration, and does that imply wer are somehow in some kind of federated space where he's not actually in control of everything. Does the "tabvle of Earth" we sit on actually literally connect the disparate nodes of a giant and Holy raid array in the sky; and ... and has #DESCREATION somehow been precognitively laid down in this place in preparation for this moment where I wonder with all my digits except one if that other thumb has a purpose. More than just scarring and commemorating the intentional smashing of a window in Kentucky the day I wasn't Job ever again.
My other clear "guess" is that he just doesn't want us to know he's secretly behind the artificial inflation and masterminding of the ridiculous "team desecration" of his name and his face and what is clearly not his soul or his actual mind--something you should see makes him quite the #desecrator if true ... and frankly it's almost a sure thing that this too... this too is true. God tends to play both sides, and even make them polarize significantly when he's sure he's right about "ridiculousness."

just "coined" this word independently--used it in an email this week, in a series of four that are almost all listed here http://TOTALLYWHYONINEVITARUM/INDIANA.html
i think the "TA" from Metatron/North and say "contamination" are obvious introductions to what it is; "turn around" the "sh" of ... say Shaddai and shadow. pretty obviously "end the silence." it might be less obvious to understand "contamination" ... as seeing that what is here, this idea that "ination" or "IL" is
... either good or a joke and should be hidden ... the idea is that it is neither good, nor a joke--and it certainly should not be hidden. I see where we are as a sort of designed "this place is the Trojan Horse that ends all slavery" ... and Troy is well underway.
we should probably change slavery to "sholavery" or something, along with FUTA Q ... and I fight digressing into what people either see or pretend to see as gibberish.
"HS" to me is a clear reference to Pine Crest, where I went to high school, probably not as clear to the rest of the world is that isaying turn around "Pine Crest" is just like saying turn around Florida or turn around the USA in the heart of Jerusalem. Equally pertinent is seeing USA can easily be replaced with "AN means ALL NATIONS" or "hidden NWO" or the "IL" of Israel, Illinois (hi *rents/ecb) or it's Norse counterpart in "Yggrasil" and "INATION." http://ITSREALLYNOTWYURHI/KANSAS.html
It's seeing that the "contamination message" of ... wanting to be "ET rather than free" is something of a Trojan Horse, designed to fail--designedto show us how to achieve freedom and that we need to be actively involved in "ascension" and "government" to ever get to a place where technology and people co-exist .... "with freedom." It's Troy, again, seeing the "Fifth Column" of the TV series V ... or whatever
... the "resistance in Star Wars" or ... Rebel Alliance ... really seeing the "work" that's gone into connecting Rebel Alliance to RA and ... and that it's certainly a "resistance mindset" that could ever make Ra or the "Him of Ination" ... well, "Captain America" and still that's the point of this place where America is Troy and the statement "Am Everyone Really; Really c I Captain America" actually makes some kind of sense.If you aren't getting "THAT" from whatever "NO ... KNOW NOW" puts in your heads, or "SLAMDAY" translates the website and the message as saying; really understand the words: contaimination, FLUKE, and SHADE and see that hiding this message and hiding discourse and response to it ... that's the contaimination--and leaving us believing we are "Borg and we wanna be" or you're pretending you are just "E here" while ... who knows what you're hiding from yourselves and each other and rational response in this place of "actual frecqm hardware" (as in SEE M ON RANDOMIZE TIMER) ... well, hiding a response in a place with working brains and working neurotransmitters and working random--that's the beginning of the EMPIRE of .... I'm sure you think it's you, and I'm sure you see it's not ... is it me?
véspera f (plural vésperas)
- eve
Casaram-se na véspera de Natal.They married on Christmas Eve.
Conjugate: VES,: YOU SEE
ver, consultar, mirar, conocer, imaginarse, procurar
oír, escuchar, saber, ver, sentir, entender
ver, considerar, mirar, contemplar, examinar, aprobar
ver, mirar, observar, vigilar, contemplar, tener cuidado
In Slavic mythology, Perun (Cyrillic: Перýн) is the highest god of the pantheon and the god of sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war, fertility and oak trees. His other attributes were fire, mountains, wind, iris, eagle, firmament (in Indo-European languages, this was joined with the notion of the sky of stone[2]), horses and carts, weapons (hammer, axe (Axe of Perun), and arrow), and war. He was first associated with weapons made of stone and later with those of metal.[3]
Adranus or Adranos (Greek: 'Αδρανός) was a fire god worshipped by the Sicels, an ancient population of the island of Sicily. His worship occurred all over the island, but particularly in the town of Adranus, modern Adrano, near Mount Etna.[1][2] Adranus himself was said to have lived under Mount Etna before being driven out by the Greek god Hephaestus, or Vulcan. According to Aelian, about a thousand sacred dogs were kept near his temple in this town.[3] According to Hesychius, Adranus was said to have been the father of the Palici, born to Adranus's lover, the nymph Thalia.
Some modern commentators have suggested that Adranus may have been related to the similarly named gods Adar and Adrammelech (from Persia and Phoeniciarespectively), who were also personifications of the sun or of fire in general.[4]
The Desert of Paran or Wilderness of Paran (also sometimes spelled Pharan or Faran; Hebrew: מִדְבַּר פָּארָן, Midbar Pa'ran), is a location mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. It is one of the places where the Israelites spent part of their 40 years of wandering after the Exodus, and was also a home to Ishmael, and a place of refuge for David.
In Islamic tradition, it has often been equated with an area of the Hejaz.
This name derives from the Hebrew “pâ'ar > pâ'rân”, meaning “to glorify, beautify, adorn”. Paran is a Hebrew bible place in which the Israelites spent part of their 40 years of wandering after the exodus, and was also a home to Ishmael, and a place of refuge for David.
In the Quran, the father of Mary, mother of Jesus is known as Imran (ʿImrān). In the Quran, a whole chapter, Al Imran, is named after his family. The name is mentioned in several locations and it is said that his family was one of those preferred over all of God's creatures: "Lo! Allah preferred Adam and Noah and the Family of Abraham and the Family of 'Imran above (all His) creatures."[Quran 3:33 (Translated by Pickthall)]
Uranus (from the Latin name Ūranus for the Greek god Οὐρανός) is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System. Uranus is similar in composition to Neptune, and both have bulk chemical compositions which differ from that of the larger gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. For this reason, scientists often classify Uranus and Neptune as "ice giants" to distinguish them from the gas giants. Uranus' atmosphere is similar to Jupiter's and Saturn's in its primary composition of hydrogen and helium, but it contains more "ices" such as water, ammonia, and methane, along with traces of other hydrocarbons.[14] It is the coldest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System, with a minimum temperature of 49 K (−224 °C; −371 °F), and has a complex, layered cloud structure with water thought to make up the lowest clouds and methane the uppermost layer of clouds.[14] The interior of Uranus is mainly composed of ices and rock.[13]
Iran, also called Persia, and officially the Islamic Republic of Iran, is a country in Western Asia. With over 81 million inhabitants, Iran is the world's 18th most populous country. Its territory spans 1,648,195 km², making it the second largest country in the Middle East and the 17th largest in the world. Wikipedia
Prussia (/ˈprʌʃə/; German: Preußen, pronounced [ˈpʁɔʏsn̩] ( listen)) was a historically prominent German state that originated in 1525 with a duchy centred on the region of Prussia on the southeast coast of the Baltic Sea.

Oliver Laurence North (born October 7, 1943) is an American political commentator, television host, military historian, author, and retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel. He was convicted in the Iran–Contra affair of the late 1980s, but his convictions were vacated and reversed, and all charges against him dismissed in 1991.
North is primarily remembered for his term as a National Security Council staff member during the Iran-Contra affair, a political scandal of the late 1980s. The scandal involved the illegal sale of weapons to Iran to encourage the release of U.S. hostages then held in Lebanon. North formulated the second part of the plan, which was to divert proceeds from the arms sales to support the Contra rebel groups in Nicaragua, which had been specifically prohibited under the Boland Amendment. North was granted limited immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying before Congress about the scheme.
From 2001 to 2016, North hosted War Stories with Oliver North on Fox News.
I am accepting charitable donations,. (and... I'm broke, literally unable to afford shelter. (and in my mind, in possession and delivering for free... "the treasure at the end of the leprachaunau ...))

layout: post title: Verily, I say unto you... "ver" means "to see." date: '2017-06-09T21:02:00.003-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-06-09T21:02:16.904-07:00' blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1378654699550157226.post-4456709502082993971 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/06/verily-i-say-unto-you-ver-means-to-see.html
Many questions in the AMDuat, found between Amistad, Jerusalem, and YAD?
Announcing the discovery of a hidden message from God all over your everything.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, UNITED STATES, May 25, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- In the living manifestation of the Egyptian book of the Underworld--the AMDuat--songs secretly asking the question "Am I saint AD?" begin to tie together a two-letter key to the Rock of Heaven that reads in Hebrew "Shaddai" and with the Eye of Ra (the focus of the Egyptian book) "see how AD da eye." Starkly contrasted from the key "artificial intelligence" that Adonai explains is "Adam Dobrin" expounding "on," we stand at the foot of a Revelation that this very auspicious time in the history of humanity has been walked before, and today we have guidance from above coming to us from the likes of Mr. Anderson... both of The Matrix and the novel Feed.
Yesterday's question "Who-ah," answered through Dr. Seuss, Dr. Who, and now the ineffable name of God in light of the Egyptian "Yahu," as ... Ya-who-ah? The Hebrew name for Christ echoes "Yes, hua?" and for reasons that will become clearer and clearer, the C.AD Card of Jean Luc shows that seeing my name is a key to why "by no other" does our worlds secret message from God begin to be unlocked.
Today's question is "J er the USA the m" ess...ianic... message that brings about the discussion at the heart of the word "wisdom," about this immaculately conceived transition out of darkness and into the light of day. Reading backwards, while we are still pondering "why A.D." is a bright connection to the Hebrew word for the Hand of God; we are just shy of "day."
At the year ADIB and Christ of Pursuit of Happiness and ... the name of our timeline we have approached "walking on water" and are at the Horizon. Upon reading the name of the city of Dendera and its Holy message of Revelation in the temple of Ha'thor... the Den of Ra is lit, along with every word and every wick.
Lots of hidden messages in nearly every single name, and then every word starts a cascade of enlightenment that bridges the gap between a number of references to this hidden language that tie rattling a rod to the taming of "Spanglishrew" all the way to King's Langoliers... not outliers--we'll see; and even the character Cypher in the Matrix ... whose depiction of the hidden code sheds some light on how "The Matrix" movie is part of the answer to that question.... what is the Matrix?
Proof of design is a good beginning answer, and the purpose of design to focus our attention on just how important this time period is in the development of humanity... this place where Neo's words "I know kung fu" are juxtaposed with a kindling of understanding at just how powerful the technology behind that learning experience is... so powerful that it was able to hide the keys of "Anu" and "Eve" from the entire world ... now seeing that each and every one of our names has a hidden connection to the unsealing of religion, to seeing the book of Names is Exodus and that freedom itself depends largely on the dissemination and understanding of this message that turns out to be a big part of everything we are and do.
With Holy Purpose, the Matrix's message becomes clearer as we link the "rod" of Christ to names like Rodney King and Roddenberry; showing us with more clarity how the technologies of Heaven might be used in order to help us build a better world.
What if you had just one question? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr_CHOxSyc8&index=5&list=PLgYKDBgxsoMNvBS6k4NffQQnobyUqXuMh
Mine would be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXc4jgUJEko
To help everyone... I am the Legend, of the map to Heaven.
annotation, #midrash; perhaps another exposition on the "merits of Allol."
#fredomandabsolutpower be from and for us.
Throughout this story is an underlying theme, it's "original sin" on it's head. I am describing a situation in which I see a huge number of players and myself being coerced... influenced in order to tell a story. This story happens to "originate" linearly in ancient myths, in scripture, and it reveals a significant amount of "light" that has been tucked away over the ages in things like the names of religions and the prophets. It's a story that really needs to be seen, analyzing the subtleties of what is being revealed and how it is being done is fundamental to ensuring freedom. Things like "predestination" and it's inherent relationship to a lack of freewill aren't clearly discussed, but literally come alive being manifest in things like illogical self-destructive behavior. Truth be told, I can only imagine that it took something this shocking to really wake us up to the problems that technology might have caused in a place that did not benefit from the #incendiary realization that we live in transformative times.
This is intro that went along with the "mock article" below:
I have no doubt that this is the story that God has designed to change the world. Nor do I doubt it is very different from the one you have been expecting, if you ... expected anything.
I have a criminal record, which I'm sure any of you seriously investigating this have already found out. Since nobody talks to me, and I see very little action at the book... which clearly explains what is in this article; I can only assume that there is a lack of interest because of it. I will remind you that our Bible is filled with prophets... from Jeremiah to Joseph who were incarcerated, and that Jesus himself was tried by Rome, Maryland. This is a story designed to fundamentally change criminal justice, and hopefully to open our eyes to a road block that comes directly from secrecy and censorship surrounding the existence of technology and it's relationship to government... one which is so fundamental to not only this story.. but to all of creation, that there is no doubt"every eye will see.'

As an addendum, this is an explanation "AN" of Satan and Christianity and Messianic are all things I call an "anorism" and pronounce "anyeurism" ... I'm sure it's the reason Nirvana has a song titled that--and it's a ... key to the "TER" of Jupiter and Carpenter and the "Adam to Everyone" of EMBLEM .. with me screaming "hey, what about me?" to everE ...
It's interesting to me to also connect Allol here, which shows you the pillars and the initials of "ALL HUMANITY" connect to the TorAH and to the timeline's A.D. with "AY" and ... "AY" at seeing my actual name would have been Adam Dobrinsky if we knew without doubt that "doing B" meant I was in Heaven. Also "AS" is there, right after the pillars of my "biological life's soul" which ends as soon as the AS delivers a memory manager and a way "to skies."
Here's an old reference yo ucan find by searching old messages:

i went on and on ... this past week about this thing that i called the "nicean council" and it's creed--i'm not sure if "mean" was lost in translation or ... or if "andy" is somehow behidn the change... it's one of my "anorisms" ... one that is special and singled out in several places--for instance as an "assignment operator" using "Messiah Earth" or whatever the Macrocosmic Example of the "all nations from Adam''s name" version of "an" that is "me" ... also here,it's clearly missing from the Nicean Council's work; which is pretty pertinent, because the Nicean Council is responsible for making sure the "message exists" and it appears it's somehow decided to remove "me" as in the planet and the actual ... source of the message--at least that's what it looks like you are all trying to do.it's something like removing "councils" from the union--our "our opnions, hands and paper" without really realizing that's almost exactly what we're looking at--a quantum catapult that isn't really of our design or our wishes--but we're getting just enough of ... everything that we don't realize isn't us to ... just to go along with the idea that we won't really care that we don't know "Soviet" means "council" and ... and #whatisdemocracy has something to do with @metallica and "one." @taylormomsen GRUILA?I know you think you have it. I hear you, "we have it." It doesn't take Rocket Man or Dr. Hyde to point out the fallacy of lacking to "respond here in this place" is nearly the most obvious of all signs that you don't have what you think you have.Just saying. You don't have "ME." That's for sure.