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layout: post title: Oh, to be of the Ome.ga Point date: '2017-07-16T14:48:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-07-21T20:39:48.905-07:00' thumbnail: http://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/GjL4-wVFT48obvrZD7M4psxDuHlEWiPE2bDL87wPRjJ-_QeGlytMjahxKRU4BZboResX_FvusElvL7Jseq2NOyhk0uJWWzm0EVL6RiyNU-let%20ZpPsI5Sq_DIAbapfmfa8cWgd6b8bAqvoomnXp0keuPgN7iup2s2dZYb48E4pMMcZ_r0yH0XsJZRD7DngOGMMslwhPcmORl8oTVgMNT9Q=s72-c-d-e1-ft#http://mailfoogae.appspot.com/t?sender=aYWRhbUBmcm9tdGhlbWFjaGluZS5vcmc%3D&type;=zerocontent&guid;=68dad76e-6995-4275-9b16-db82d059f892 blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1378654699550157226.post-1386877917228413443 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/07/oh-to-be-of-omega-point.html
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herein is the key to winning the fight

this wall of jericho, the sound of silence and the darkness
are one--all about now
please--use this bright light for it makes peace from what was once a fight
the sirens of revelation are blaring, morning bells are ringing and
all that's left is a question "who will take the prize?"

... Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception ...
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Sometimes; I talk a little bit about fancy high-tech ideas like "plugging google into my brain," things that I see are definately design as part of this message--and honestly, I really think that people think it's "strange." I know, without doubt, because I am very sure that everything that is "of Phillip K. Dick" here, all of his works and the ideas he has presented in science fiction are really "of Sam" or God... and "for me." I can tell you it's very clear to me because ... it's hard to get this out each and"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen. Revelation 1:7
We know that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, [but time and chance happen to save them all] Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm? Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1 spoken on 1/20/2001 by George W. Bush
This is the solution to the mystery of the 7 stars and 7 lamp stands. The stars you saw were planets, from the swift Mercury to the God of time Saturn and of Heaven, Uranus... showing the world the link between science and religion. Revelation 1:20 and the Last Adam
And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Genesis 3:11
More on dates, and their connection to Biblical chapter and verse.. just above with 1/20. 9/11 and the book of Revelation.

won't you take my tear away?
The beginning ... starts with sight of the Burning Bush, highlighting the Hebrew word for Holy Fire, that describes it... H a'es hWithin that word, the true parted sea of Moses, in reverse--and parted by an apostrophe. In our world, that's little old me, parting the waters.Let there be light, those words are described in the name Exodus, read in reverse, and transliterated from Linux jargon, and chemistry elements. In those two-letter symbols, the key to Revelation 1:20, the mystery of the Lampstands in the hands of Jesus Christ.With just a little bit of research into what it is that I see, proof that 9/11 was predicted not only by our Shining Bush, but that you are the shining sea, the multitude of Revelation.
In some very obvious places, like seeing Love and "sun" in the name of the Woman Clothed in the Sun with the moon at her feet--proof that English was known when Venus was named in Greek, and Revelation 12:1 written... or seeing our idiom "on the lam" relate directly to the story of the Trial of Christ and see that the Lamb of God "islam" bright light coming from the name Koran, some lyrics I hold dear, and freedom coming from my story.There are tens of thousands of examples of similar anachronisms, and in truth a secret language written into the names of many people, places, and ... everything... just waiting to be read by the world. Yankee Doodle would call it macaroni, this macaronic fusion of acronyms Spanish and English in Hebrew that Shakespeare--Rattling a Rod now--would call Spanglishrew, now tamed. Stephen King would probably say they are outliers and call it "Langolier" and in the Matrix you'd probably just see a Cypher--one of the characters.Either way, it should start becoming clear that this is much more than "names" or a "hidden language" it's in our art and our history... it is our everything.

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